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All Outputs (22)

Czech and Slovak scenography for Shakespeare (2018)
Havlíčková Kysová, Š., & Billing, C. (Eds.). (2018). Czech and Slovak scenography for Shakespeare. Masarykova univerzita = Masaryk University

This volume of essays examines the history of scenography for Shakespeare in Central Europe and explores theoretical models for understanding the space, place and performance of Shakespeare using phenomenology, Structuralist semiotics, sociologic... Read More about Czech and Slovak scenography for Shakespeare.

Theatrical Reality: Space, Embodiment and Empathy in Performance (2016)
Edinborough, C. (2016). Theatrical Reality: Space, Embodiment and Empathy in Performance. Intellect

Performance, dramaturgy, and scenography are often explored in isolation, but in Theatrical Reality, Campbell Edinborough describes their connectedness in order to investigate how the experience of reality is constructed and understood during perform... Read More about Theatrical Reality: Space, Embodiment and Empathy in Performance.

Meyerhold and the Cubists: Perspectives in Painting and Performance (2015)
Skinner, A. (2015). Meyerhold and the Cubists: Perspectives in Painting and Performance. Intellect

This book offers a rich analysis of collage practices in the theatre of Vsevolod Meyerhold. Focusing on the philosophical and formal tenets of the form, and supporting her analysis with wide-ranging examples from both theatre and fine art, Amy Skinne... Read More about Meyerhold and the Cubists: Perspectives in Painting and Performance.

Slapstick and Comic Performance: Comedy and Pain (2014)
Peacock, L. (2014). Slapstick and Comic Performance: Comedy and Pain. Palgrave Macmillan.

Slapstick comedy has a long and lively history from Greek Theatre to the present day. This book explores the ways in which comic pain and comic violence are performed within slapstick to make the audience laugh. It draws examples from theatre, televi... Read More about Slapstick and Comic Performance: Comedy and Pain.

Theatre, performance and technology: the development and transformation of scenography (2013)
Baugh, C. (2013). Theatre, performance and technology: the development and transformation of scenography. Palgrave Macmillan

Chris Baugh explores how developments and changes in technology have been reflected in scenography throughout history. Taking into account the latest research, his new edition examines moving light technologies, the internet as a platform of performa... Read More about Theatre, performance and technology: the development and transformation of scenography.

Haggis Hunting: fifty years of new playwrighting in Scotland (2013)
McKean, K. S. M., & McCartney, N. (2013). N. McCartney, & K. S. Morgan McKean (Eds.). Haggis Hunting: fifty years of new playwrighting in Scotland. Edinburgh University Press

Guest editors Nicola McCartney and K.S Morgan McKean have created a wonderful theatre-based issue of the Review, which tied in beautifully with the Haggis Hunting: 50 Years of New Playwriting in Scotland conference.

Intimacy across visceral and digital performance (2012)
Chatzichristodoulou, M., & Zerihan, R. (2012). R. Zerihan, & M. Chatzichristodoulou (Eds.). Intimacy across visceral and digital performance. Palgrave Macmillan.

Intimacy Across Visceral and Digital Performance is an edited collection designed to address a diverse set of critical responses to and practical interrogations of the notion of being intimate in emergent and hybrid performance practices, aiming to e... Read More about Intimacy across visceral and digital performance.

České pokusy o Shakespeara : dějiny českých překladů Shakespeara doplněné antologií neznámých a vzácných textů z let 1782-1922. (Czech attempts at Shakespeare) (2012)
Drábek, P. (2012). České pokusy o Shakespeara : dějiny českých překladů Shakespeara doplněné antologií neznámých a vzácných textů z let 1782-1922. (Czech attempts at Shakespeare). Větrné mlýny

A History of Czech Translations of Shakespeare with an Anthology of Unknown and Rare Texts from the Years 1782-1922. The history of Czech translations of Shakespeare dates back to the 1780s when the first versions of Shakespeare’s plays were printed.... Read More about České pokusy o Shakespeara : dějiny českých překladů Shakespeara doplněné antologií neznámých a vzácných textů z let 1782-1922. (Czech attempts at Shakespeare).

Franklin Furnace and the spirit of the avant-garde: a history of the future (2011)
Sant, T. (2011). Franklin Furnace and the spirit of the avant-garde: a history of the future. The University of Chicago Press

Franklin Furnace is a renowned New York-based arts organization whose mission is to preserve, document, and present works of avant-garde art by emerging artists - particularly those whose works may be vulnerable due to institutional neglect or politi... Read More about Franklin Furnace and the spirit of the avant-garde: a history of the future.

Czech stage art and stage design (2011)
Drábek, P., Billing, C., & Drabek, P. (2011). Czech stage art and stage design. Masarykova univerzita

A special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Theatralia/Yorick on Czech scenography, stage design and historical periods of Czech stage art. Co-edited and introduction co-written with Christian M. Billing.

Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625) (2010)
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2010). Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625). (1). Masarykova univerzita

The mature plays of John Fletcher, Shakespeare's collaborator and successor with the King's Men, have received little critical attention. This book analyzes the specifics of mature Fletcherian style, proposing a reading that agrees with the Baroque m... Read More about Fletcherian dramatic achievement: a study in the mature plays of John Fletcher (1579-1625).

Interfaces of performance (2009)
(2009). M. Chatzichristodoulou, & J. Jefferies (Eds.), Interfaces of performance. Routledge

This collection of essays and interviews investigates current practices that expand our understanding and experience of performance through the use of state-of-the-art technologies. It brings together leading practitioners, writers and curators who e... Read More about Interfaces of performance.

Bedrich Smetana: Dalibor (2009)
Zlámalová, L., Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2009). Bedrich Smetana: Dalibor. Větrné mlýny

An edition of librettos for Bedrich Smetana's opera Dalibor by Pavel Drábek, Josef Wenzig, Ervín Špindler and Rudolf Vonásek. Introductory essays by Miloš Štedron, Pavel Drábek, Michael Tarant, Zdenek Nejedlý, Josef Bartoš, Bohuslav Karásek. Critical... Read More about Bedrich Smetana: Dalibor.

Ifigenie v Aulide (Iphigenia in Aulis) (2009)
Drábek, P., & Drabek, P. (2009). Ifigenie v Aulide (Iphigenia in Aulis). Větrné mlýny

The first edition of the translation of Euripides' Iphigenia in Aulis by Josef Topol with the philological help of Karel Hubka. Introduction, commentary and afterword written by Eva Stehlíková. Edited by Pavel Drábek.

Masculinity, corporality and the English stage 1580–1635 (2008)
Billing, C. M. (2008). Masculinity, corporality and the English stage 1580–1635. Routledge.

The significance of human anatomy to the most physical of art forms, the theatre, has hitherto been an under-explored topic. Filling this gap, Christian Billing questions conventional wisdom regarding the one-sex anatomical model and uses a range of... Read More about Masculinity, corporality and the English stage 1580–1635.