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All Outputs (11)

Treatied space: North American indigenous treaties in a global context (2021)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2021). Treatied space: North American indigenous treaties in a global context. In A. McGrath, & L. Russell (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Global Indigenous History (259-278). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

All communities and individuals living on North American land are, in a geo-political sense, ‘treaty people’ and attention to treaty history is vital to the challenge of addressing the profound environmental, technological, and resource-use changes o... Read More about Treatied space: North American indigenous treaties in a global context.

Native American Indian freemasonry (2020)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2020). Native American Indian freemasonry. In F. Jacob, & H. Reinalter (Eds.), Masonic lodges and their impact in North and South America (71-89). Königshausen & Neumann

The horror genre and aspects of Native American Indian literature (2018)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2018). The horror genre and aspects of Native American Indian literature. In K. Corstorphine, & L. Kremmel (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature (45-60). Palgrave Macmillan.

Porter offers a fascinating exploration of the limitations of genre in relation to certain horror literature produced by authors who identify as American Indian. She explores the horror genre as a context within which the Native dispossession foundat... Read More about The horror genre and aspects of Native American Indian literature.

Progressivism and Native Identities (2014)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2014). Progressivism and Native Identities. In G. D. Smithers, & B. N. Newman (Eds.), Native diasporas: Indigenous identities and settler colonialism in the Americas (273-296). University of Nebraska Press

Progressivism and Native American Self-Expression in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth century (2014)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2014). Progressivism and Native American Self-Expression in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth century. In G. D. Smithers, & B. N. Newman (Eds.), Native Diasporas: Indigenous Identities and Setller Colonialism in North America (273-296). University of Nebraska Press

This book chapter opens a broad and rewarding analytical window into late nineteenth and early twentieth century identity struggles by introducing the idea of equalling Native American Indian persistence with Native American Indian resistence.

Introduction to Dee Brown's "Folktales of the Native American" (2012)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2012). Introduction to Dee Brown's "Folktales of the Native American". In Folktales of the Native American. Folio Society

An up to the minute introduction to one of the great classics of American ethnography reissued and beautifully illustrated by the Folio Society.

Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962) (2010)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2010). Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962). In D. L. Madsen (Ed.), Native authenticity: Transnational perspectives on Native American literary studies (103-122). State University of New York Press

Due to his Indian ancestry, the Canadian poet Frank James Prewett was nicknamed "Toronto" by the illustrious literary friends he met while recovering in England following his service in World War I. Those friends included Virginia Woolf, Siegfried Sa... Read More about Modernism, authenticity, and Indian identity: Frank "Toronto" Prewett (1893-1962).

The Rediscovery of the Native American (2009)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2009). The Rediscovery of the Native American. In D. Seed (Ed.), A Companion to Twentieth-Century United States Fiction (183-194). Wiley-Blackwell.

Native American Indian literature is an active, potentially activist literature. This is not to suggest that it is unentertaining, unfunny, or that it has no aesthetic impact. Yet it is hard to read the great diverse mix that is Native American liter... Read More about The Rediscovery of the Native American.

Indiens et Franc-Maconnerie: une vision performative de l'histoire Americaine (2008)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2008). Indiens et Franc-Maconnerie: une vision performative de l'histoire Americaine. In M. Prum (Ed.), Race & the Body in Anglophone Context/ Race et corps dans L’aire Anglophone, (113 - 135). L’Harmattan

Comme nombre de mes collègues indianistes, cela fait longtemps que je n’ignore plus que les grandes figures masculines du monde politique et littéraire indien du XIXe et du début du XXe siècle avaient, pour la plupart d’entre elles, des liens directs... Read More about Indiens et Franc-Maconnerie: une vision performative de l'histoire Americaine.

Population matters in Native America (2007)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2007). Population matters in Native America. In P. D. Davies, & I. Morgan (Eds.), America's Americans: Population issues in U.S. society and politics. Institute of Latin American Studies

Historical and cultural contexts to native American literature (2005)
Book Chapter
Porter, J. (2005). Historical and cultural contexts to native American literature. In J. Porter, & K. M. Roemer (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature : Part I - Historical and cultural contexts (39-68). Cambridge University Press.

Literature tells truths about the past that history cannot articulate. This is a truism with particular resonance in the Native American context because until the watershed years of the late 1960s and early 1970s Indians were either ignored or grossl... Read More about Historical and cultural contexts to native American literature.