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All Outputs (11)

Music, essence and context (2019)
Book Chapter
Zangwill, N. (2019). Music, essence and context. In R. Povilioniene, R. Stanevičiūtė, & N. Zangwill (Eds.), Of Essence and Context: Between Music and Philosophy (27-41). Springer Publishing Company

I defend the application of the notion of essence to music. I appeal to the essences of events rather than objects, and I focus on functional events, such as handshakes, which have historical essences. Musical essences are like that. This allows us t... Read More about Music, essence and context.

The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence (2018)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. (2018). The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence. In K. Galvin (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Well-Being (133-140). Routledge.

“Probably there is no better guarantee of a really unhealthy life than perfect health.” This paradoxical, and somewhat melancholic, assessment of our prospects for clinical well-being is given by J. H. van den Berg in The Psychology of the Sickbed. T... Read More about The existential situation of the patient: Well-being and absence.

"A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust (2017)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. "A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust. In M. A. Peters, & J. Stickney (Eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education :Pedagogical Investigations (161-177). Springer.

It is now commonly argued that trust is fundamental to numerous and varied sorts of human relationships and activities and that education takes place within a fiduciary framework: that a basic trust is essential to child development and the very poss... Read More about "A spontaneous following" : Wittgenstein, education and the limits of trust.

Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’ (2015)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2015). Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’. In A. D. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives (107-127). Inter-Disciplinary Press

In this chapter I argue, against Mary Midgley, that the ‘yuk’ feeling that is elicited by chimeras should not be taken into account when making moral evaluations of the kind of biotechnology that creates them (‘algeny’, according to Midgley). She lin... Read More about Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’.

‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’ (2014)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2014). ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’. In M. Rifà Valls, L. Duarte Campderrós, & M. Ponferrada Arteaga (Eds.), Nuevos desafíos para la inclusión social y la equidad en instituciones de educación superior (296-308). Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

El concepto de justicia epistemológica ha recibido una gran atención en los últimos diez años en el ámbito de la filosofía anglófona y se ha desarrollado, de manera paralela (aunque utilizando otras denominaciones), en las llamadas “Epistemologías de... Read More about ‘Justicia Epistemologica: Escuchando al Sur’.

La enseñanza de la teoría de género desde una perspectiva interseccional en un contexto internacional: Una mirada crítica (2014)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2014). La enseñanza de la teoría de género desde una perspectiva interseccional en un contexto internacional: Una mirada crítica. In A. M. Goetschel, & B. Espinosa (Eds.), Hacia posgrados en inclusion social y equidad en America Latina: Experiencias y reflexiones : Actas del II Congreso Internacional de MISEAL, San José, Costa Rica, 18-22 noviembre 2013 (73-85). FLACSO

Este artículo es un intento a responder a la siguiente pregunta, que surge en el contexto del posgrado interseccional que forma parte del MISEAL: ¿Cómo incluir, en un módulo sobre teoría de género, la perspectiva interseccional y qué implica hacerlo... Read More about La enseñanza de la teoría de género desde una perspectiva interseccional en un contexto internacional: Una mirada crítica.

Biology and metaphysics of sex difference (2012)
Book Chapter
Lennon, K. (2012). Biology and metaphysics of sex difference. In S. Gonzalez-Arnal, G. Jagger, & K. Lennon (Eds.), Embodied selves (29-45). Palgrave Macmillan

Turned into body by the other (2012)
Book Chapter
Burwood, S. (2012). Turned into body by the other. In S. Gonzalez-Arnal, G. Jagger, & K. Lennon (Eds.), Embodied selves (119-138). Palgrave Macmillan.

Jean Améry’s autobiographical account of torture at the hands of the Gestapo provides the most striking, if also the most harrowing, example of how the body resurfaces in conscious awareness due to pain and how such experiences often reveal an ambigu... Read More about Turned into body by the other.

Moral dependence
Book Chapter
Zangwill, N. Moral dependence. In Oxford studies in metaethics: volume 3. The University of Hull