“Mortal hostility”: Masculinity and fatherly conflict in the Glass Town and Angrian sagas
Book Chapter
Sanders, V., & Butcher, E. (2017). “Mortal hostility”: Masculinity and fatherly conflict in the Glass Town and Angrian sagas. In J. E. Pike, & L. Morrison (Eds.), Charlotte Brontë from the Beginnings: New Essays from the Juvenilia to the Major Works (59-71). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315571393
Opening paragraph:
The above extract from the second part of Charlotte Brontë’s story “The Enfant,” which first appeared in Blackwood’s Young Men’s Magazine for June 1829, is a rare example in the juvenilia of the raw instinctive emotions of fatherho...
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