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How do alternative ways of responding influence 3- and 4-year-olds' performance on tests of executive function and theory of mind? (2012)
Journal Article
Carroll, D. J., Riggs, K. J., Apperly, I. A., Graham, K., & Geoghegan, C. (2012). How do alternative ways of responding influence 3- and 4-year-olds' performance on tests of executive function and theory of mind?. Journal of experimental child psychology, 112(3), 312-325.

A total of 69 preschool children were tested on measures of false belief understanding (the Unexpected Transfer task), inhibitory control (the Grass/Snow task), and strategic reasoning (the Windows task). For each task, children indicated their respo... Read More about How do alternative ways of responding influence 3- and 4-year-olds' performance on tests of executive function and theory of mind?.