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Prosperity without security: The precarity of interpreters in postsocialist, postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina (2012)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2012). Prosperity without security: The precarity of interpreters in postsocialist, postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina. Slavic Review, 71(4), 849-872.

This article uses life history interview data collected during a project on languages and peace support operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina to consider, as an occupational group, people from former Yugoslavia who were employed as interpreters by foreign... Read More about Prosperity without security: The precarity of interpreters in postsocialist, postconflict Bosnia-Herzegovina.

New insights into the geological evolution of Eastern Indonesia from recent research projects by the SE Asia Research Group (2012)
Journal Article
Watkinson, I. M., Hall, R., Cottam, M. A., Sevastjanova, I., Suggate, S., Gunawan, I., Pownall, J. M., Hennig, J., Ferdian, F., Gold, D., Zimmermann, S., Rudyawan, A., & Advocaat, E. (2012). New insights into the geological evolution of Eastern Indonesia from recent research projects by the SE Asia Research Group. Berita Sedimentologi, March 2012(23), 21-27

Instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida em pessoas com distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (2012)
Journal Article
Barbosa Guimarães, Z. M., Mendonça Filho, E. J., Gomes Menezes, I., & Gomes, A. C. (2012). Instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida em pessoas com distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho. Revista Baiana de Enfermagem‏, 26(3), 631-640.

O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento dos instrumentos utilizados na população brasileira para avaliação da qualidade de vida de pessoas com distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa e o m... Read More about Instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade de vida em pessoas com distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho.

Desconforto de familiares de pessoas internadas na UTI (2012)
Journal Article
Santana Freitas, K., Menezes, I. G., & Mussi, F. C. (2012). Desconforto de familiares de pessoas internadas na UTI. Escola Anna Nery, 16(4), 704-711.

It is a qualitative research that aimed to get to know the discomforts experienced at the daily life of relatives of people admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU). It happened on a general ICU at a public hospital, in Salvador-BA, by the second ha... Read More about Desconforto de familiares de pessoas internadas na UTI.

Tradução, adaptação e estudo da validade de construto da Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (2012)
Journal Article
Sampaio, L. R., Menezes, I. G., Lima, I. D. M., & Monte, F. F. D. C. (2012). Tradução, adaptação e estudo da validade de construto da Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy. Psico, 43(1), 101-108

A empatia etnocultural é um construto que ajuda na compreensão de fenômenos que envolvem questões culturais, respeito às diferenças etnoculturais e desenvolvimento afetivo e sociomoral. O presente estudo objetivou traduzir, adaptar e testar a validad... Read More about Tradução, adaptação e estudo da validade de construto da Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy.

Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events (2012)
Journal Article
Lobão, W., & Menezes, I. (2012). Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 20(4), 796-803.

This study aimed to present the results of the construction and content validation of the Scale of Predisposition for the Occurrence of Adverse Events (EPEA). A descriptive research with a qualitative approach was carried out. To study the quality of... Read More about Construction and content validation of the scale of predisposition to the occurrence of adverse events.

Conforto na perspectiva de familiares de pessoas internadas em unidade de terapia intensiva (2012)
Journal Article
Freitas, K., Menezes, I., & Mussi, F. (2012). Conforto na perspectiva de familiares de pessoas internadas em unidade de terapia intensiva. Texto e contexto enfermagem, 21(4), 896-904

This study aimed at understanding the meaning of comfort to the families of people in intensive care units. It consists of a
qualitative study carried out in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Salvador-Bahia. Fourteen family members were inte... Read More about Conforto na perspectiva de familiares de pessoas internadas em unidade de terapia intensiva.

Conformal field theories in six-dimensional twistor space (2012)
Journal Article
Mason, L., Reid-Edwards, R., & Taghavi-Chabert, A. (2012). Conformal field theories in six-dimensional twistor space. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 62(12), 2353-2375.

This article gives a study of the higher-dimensional Penrose transform between conformally invariant massless fields on space–time and cohomology classes on twistor space, where twistor space is defined to be the space of projective pure spinors of t... Read More about Conformal field theories in six-dimensional twistor space.

Slavery and its definition (2012)
Journal Article
Allain, J., & Bales, K. (2012). Slavery and its definition. Global Dialogue, 14(2), 6-14

Had the abolitionists of the past, the likes of Abraham Lincoln or William Wilberforce, been able to see into the twenty-first century, what might have struck them as very strange was that while they had come far in ending slavery and suppressing hum... Read More about Slavery and its definition.

"In the middle of everywhere" : a phenomenological study of mobility and dwelling amongst rural elders (2012)
Journal Article
Todres, L., & Galvin, K. T. (2012). "In the middle of everywhere" : a phenomenological study of mobility and dwelling amongst rural elders. Phenomenology and Practice, 6(1), 55-68.

This study aimed to investigate the phenomenon of the meaning of mobility for elders living in rural areas. A phenomenological study was undertaken with older people living in rural South West England and Wales. Ten interviews were undertaken in peop... Read More about "In the middle of everywhere" : a phenomenological study of mobility and dwelling amongst rural elders.

The collapse of the rule of law : the Messina earthquake and the state of exception (2012)
Journal Article
La Torre, M. (2012). The collapse of the rule of law : the Messina earthquake and the state of exception. Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, 41(2), 159-176

Globalization is commonly cited as an important factor in theorising legal phenomena in the contemporary world. Although many legal disciplines have sought to adapt their theories to globalization, progress has been comparatively modest within contem... Read More about The collapse of the rule of law : the Messina earthquake and the state of exception.

"I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series (2012)
Journal Article
Walliss, J., & Aston, J. (2012). "I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 24(3), 352-364.

In this article we examine the ethical vision presented in the Saw series of films, focusing in particular how it represents a trend within popular culture post-9/11 towards increasing cultural pessimism. We will locate the Saw films within this cult... Read More about "I've never murdered anyone in my life. The decisions are up to them.": Ethical Guidance and Cultural Pessimism in the Saw Series.

Photogalvanic cells based on lyotropic nanosystems: towards the use of liquid nanotechnology for personalised energy sources (2012)
Journal Article
Halls, J. E., & Wadhawan, J. D. (2012). Photogalvanic cells based on lyotropic nanosystems: towards the use of liquid nanotechnology for personalised energy sources. Energy & environmental science, 5(4), 6541-6551.

A lightweight, autonomous and practical, proof-of-concept electrical power source is developed within this work. It comprises a photoredox-active material embedded within the non-ionic surfactant subphase, with a second redox reagent present within t... Read More about Photogalvanic cells based on lyotropic nanosystems: towards the use of liquid nanotechnology for personalised energy sources.

Aligning product design with supply chain: a case study (2012)
Journal Article
Khan, O., Christopher, M., & Creazza, A. (2012). Aligning product design with supply chain: a case study. Supply chain management, 17(3), 323-336.

– The purpose of this paper is to investigate the alignment between product design and the supply chain and to identify how this alignment impacts on a firm's supply chain responsiveness and resilience.

– An i... Read More about Aligning product design with supply chain: a case study.

Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study (2012)
Journal Article
Zernova, M. (2012). Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study. Police Practice and Research, 13(6), 474-486.

This paper discusses various adaptations and strategies developed by post-Soviet Russians in response to the failure of the police. It does so based on findings derived from an empirical study carried out by the author. A number of survival technique... Read More about Coping with the failure of the police in post-Soviet Russia: findings from one empirical study.

The influence of 'cognitive busyness' on causal attributions of challenging behaviour in dementia: a preliminary experimental study (2012)
Journal Article
Parker, S., Clarke, C., Moniz-Cook, E., & Gardiner, E. (2012). The influence of 'cognitive busyness' on causal attributions of challenging behaviour in dementia: a preliminary experimental study. Aging and Mental Health, 16(7), 836-844.

This study investigated the influence of cognitive busyness (competing cognitive demands) on residential care staff attributions of challenging behaviour (CB) related to dementia. Following the model of attribution formation proposed by Gilbert, Pelh... Read More about The influence of 'cognitive busyness' on causal attributions of challenging behaviour in dementia: a preliminary experimental study.

Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure (2012)
Journal Article
Ingle, L., Sloan, R., Carroll, S., Goode, K., Cleland, J. G., & Clark, A. L. (2012). Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure. Pulmonary Medicine, 2012, 589164.

Introduction. The relation between minute ventilation (VE) and carbon dioxide production (VCO(2)) can be characterised by the instantaneous ratio of ventilation to carbon dioxide production, the ventilatory equivalent for CO(2) (VEqCO(2)). We hypothe... Read More about Abnormalities of the ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide in patients with chronic heart failure.