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I recommend Flannery O'Connor  (2011)
McKay, K. (2011). I recommend Flannery O'Connor 

An article about the continuing importance of the short story writer Flannery O'Connor 

Watery Leeds  (2010)
McKay, K. (2010). Watery Leeds 

A prose/image extended piece of writing, done for , as background work for a film for the Leeds Cultural Olympiad 2012 

My Tri-Athlete (2010)
Goodman, M. (2010). My Tri-Athlete

Story in a sequence told at seven-year intervals, the Native American berdache tradition transplanted into contemporary western culture.

Divine hearing
McKay, K. Divine hearing

Story about a woman who hears voices through the hearing aid she has been prescribed by a Christian hearing aid specialist.

Collision Theory 
McKay, K. Collision Theory 

Story about a woman who makes a new maths theorem. 

Medium High Gusset  
McKay, K. Medium High Gusset  

Story about a woman whose husband is dying who takes up swimming.

As if she was Coco Chanel 
McKay, K. As if she was Coco Chanel 

Story about a woman living in a homeless hostel in Boston, who gets thrown out. 

Junction Ahead 
McKay, K. Junction Ahead 

Story about a young girl who craves fatherly attention 

Exhibition Notes
McKay, K. Exhibition Notes

Story about a young boy whose mother is a swimmer in a public tank, for entertainment