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All Outputs (3)

Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (2022)
Preprint / Working Paper
Faulkner, E. C., Moverley, A. A., Hart, S. P., & Nikitenko, L. L. Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Increasing age is the main risk factor for chronic lung diseases (CLD) including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Halting or reversing progression of IPF remains an unmet clinical need due to limited knowledge of underlying mechanisms. In particu... Read More about Integrated single-cell RNA sequencing analysis reveals alterations of ageing human lung endothelium heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos (2019)
Preprint / Working Paper
Muller, B., Lewis, N., Adeniyi, T., Leese, H. J., Brison, D., & Sturmey, R. G. Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos

Background Mitochondria provide the major source of ATP for mammalian oocyte maturation and early embryo development. Oxygen Consumption Rate (OCR) is an established measure of mitochondrial function. OCR by mammalian oocytes and embryos has generall... Read More about Application of extracellular flux analysis for determining mitochondrial function in mammalian oocytes and early embryos.

A systematic review examining reducing unplanned hospital admissions in adults with cancer (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper
Walabyeki, J., Macleod, U., Johnson, M., Dyson, J., Oliver, S., Allgar, V., Oviasu, O., Chen, H., Smith, S., & Hammond, T. A systematic review examining reducing unplanned hospital admissions in adults with cancer

Review question:
1. What interventions have been tested and have successfully reduced unplanned hospital admissions in adults with cancer?

2. What are the factors associated with unplanned hospital admissions in adults with cancer?