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All Outputs (23)

Investigating the efficacy of bisphosphonates treatment against multiple myeloma induced bone disease using a computational model (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ji, B., Yang, Q., Genever, P. G., & Fagan, M. J. Investigating the efficacy of bisphosphonates treatment against multiple myeloma induced bone disease using a computational model

Multiple myeloma (MM)-induced bone disease is mortal for most MM patients. Bisphosphonates are first-line treatment for MM-induced bone disease, since it can inhibit osteoclast activity and the resultant bone resorption by suppressing the differentia... Read More about Investigating the efficacy of bisphosphonates treatment against multiple myeloma induced bone disease using a computational model.

Evaluation of a silent speech interface based on magnetic sensing (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hofe, R., Ell, S. R., Fagan, M. J., Gilbert, J. M., Green, P. D., Moore, R. K., & Rybchenko, S. I. (2010, September). Evaluation of a silent speech interface based on magnetic sensing. Presented at INTERSPEECH 2010, 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association

This paper reports on isolated word recognition experiments using a novel silent speech interface. The interface consist of magnetic pellets that are fixed to relevant speech articulators, and a set of magnetic field sensors that measure changes in t... Read More about Evaluation of a silent speech interface based on magnetic sensing.