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All Outputs (8)

Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D. R. (2010, August). Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length. Presented at 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, Sydney, Australia

When listening to someone's voice: what stimulus duration is required to tell whether the person speaking is a man or a woman; what are the acoustic cues in speech that influence such judgements; and how does manipulations in these acoustic cues infl... Read More about Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length.

The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schindler, I., McIntosh, R. D., Cassidy, T. P., Birchall, D., Benson, V., Ietswaart, M., & Milner, A. D. The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation

We sought to determine the effects of prism adaptation on peripherally cued visual attention shifting in patients with spatial neglect, using a task devised by Egly et al. (J Exp Psychol Gen 123:161-177, 1994) based on the classic Posner paradigm. Th... Read More about The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation.

The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception network (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Large, M.-E. The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception network

A common view is that visual processing within the ventral visual stream is modulated by attention and awareness. We used fMRI adaptation to investigate whether activation in a network of brain regions involved with face recognition--the fusiform fac... Read More about The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception network.

Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Castronovo, J. Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience

Vision was for a long time considered as essential in the elaboration of the semantic numerical representation (e.g., Simon, 1999). However, early visual deprivation does not prevent the elaboration of a numerical representation with similar spatial... Read More about Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience.

Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perception (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lorteije, J., & Jellema, T. Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perception

Viewing photographs of objects in motion evokes higher fMRI activation in human MT+ than similar photographs without this implied motion. MT+ is traditionally considered to be involved in motion perception. Therefore, this finding suggests feedback f... Read More about Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perception.