Anticipating action sequences based on the actor's gaze direction in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Burnett, H., Hudson, M., & Jellema, T. Anticipating action sequences based on the actor's gaze direction in individuals with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
All Outputs (8)
Facial expressions and emotional anticipation (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Palumbo, L., & Jellema, T. Facial expressions and emotional anticipationEmotional facial expressions are immediate indicators of a ective dispositions. We investigated towhat extent judgments of others' dynamic emotional facial expressions are influenced by (1) emotionalanticipation, ie the involuntary anticipation of th... Read More about Facial expressions and emotional anticipation.
Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Smith, D. R. (2010, August). Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length. Presented at 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, Sydney, AustraliaWhen listening to someone's voice: what stimulus duration is required to tell whether the person speaking is a man or a woman; what are the acoustic cues in speech that influence such judgements; and how does manipulations in these acoustic cues infl... Read More about Time to judge sex of speaker: Effect of glottal-pulse rate and vocal-tract length.
The influence of priming on the interpretation of an ambiguous figure (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hartendorp, M., & Jellema, T. The influence of priming on the interpretation of an ambiguous figure
The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schindler, I., McIntosh, R. D., Cassidy, T. P., Birchall, D., Benson, V., Ietswaart, M., & Milner, A. D. The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptationWe sought to determine the effects of prism adaptation on peripherally cued visual attention shifting in patients with spatial neglect, using a task devised by Egly et al. (J Exp Psychol Gen 123:161-177, 1994) based on the classic Posner paradigm. Th... Read More about The disengage deficit in hemispatial neglect is restricted to between-object shifts and is abolished by prism adaptation.
The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception network (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Large, M.-E. The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception networkA common view is that visual processing within the ventral visual stream is modulated by attention and awareness. We used fMRI adaptation to investigate whether activation in a network of brain regions involved with face recognition--the fusiform fac... Read More about The fate of unseen faces: an fMRI investigation of awareness in the face perception network.
Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience (2007)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Castronovo, J. Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experienceVision was for a long time considered as essential in the elaboration of the semantic numerical representation (e.g., Simon, 1999). However, early visual deprivation does not prevent the elaboration of a numerical representation with similar spatial... Read More about Numerical estimation in blind subjects: evidence of the impact of blindness and its following experience.
Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perception (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lorteije, J., & Jellema, T. Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perceptionViewing photographs of objects in motion evokes higher fMRI activation in human MT+ than similar photographs without this implied motion. MT+ is traditionally considered to be involved in motion perception. Therefore, this finding suggests feedback f... Read More about Temporal characteristics of neuronal sources for implied motion perception.