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All Outputs (3)

An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists (2024)
Naylor, J. An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Person-centred practice (PCP) constitutes an important, individualising approach that strives to confront a legacy of healthcare paternalism. The biomedical roots of physiotherapy, alongside context-specificity of PCP, hinder realisation of this huma... Read More about An exploration of person-centred practices among emergency department physiotherapists.

A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation (2022)
Crane, H. A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Through-knee amputation (TKA) has several theoretical physical advantages over above-knee amputation (AKA), yet AKA remains the preferred level of amputation by UK vascular surgeons when below-knee amputation (BKA) is not feasible. How clinician’s pe... Read More about A mixed methods study of outcomes, experiences, and perceptions of through-knee and above-knee amputation.