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All Outputs (923)

Under- and Over-Estimation: A Bi-Directional Mapping Process Between Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Representations of Number? (2011)
Journal Article
Crollen, V., Castronovo, J., & Seron, X. (2011). Under- and Over-Estimation: A Bi-Directional Mapping Process Between Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Representations of Number?. Experimental Psychology, 58(1), 39-49.

Over the last 30 years, numerical estimation has been largely studied. Recently, Castronovo and Seron (2007) proposed the bidirectional mapping hypothesis in order to account for the finding that dependent on the type of estimation task (perception v... Read More about Under- and Over-Estimation: A Bi-Directional Mapping Process Between Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Representations of Number?.

The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity (2011)
Journal Article
Scott, G. W., Goulder, R., Wheeler, P., Scott, L. J., Tobin, M. L., & Marsham, S. (2012). The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 21(1), 11-21.

Fieldwork is assumed by most practitioners to be an important if not essential component of a degree level education in the environmental sciences. However, there is strong evidence that as a result of a wide range of pressures (academic, financial a... Read More about The Value of Fieldwork in Life and Environmental Sciences in the Context of Higher Education: A Case Study in Learning About Biodiversity.

Patients' psychosocial experiences of attending specialist palliative day care: a systematic review (2011)
Journal Article
Bradley, S. E., Frizelle, D., & Johnson, M. (2011). Patients' psychosocial experiences of attending specialist palliative day care: a systematic review. Palliative medicine, 25(3), 210-228.

Recent reviews conclude that the benefits of attending Specialist Palliative Day Care (SPDC) are likely to be in social, psychological and spiritual domains. However, these areas are not easily identified, leaving researchers and practitioners unclea... Read More about Patients' psychosocial experiences of attending specialist palliative day care: a systematic review.

Aqueous foams stabilized solely by particles (2011)
Journal Article
Stocco, A., Rio, E., Binks, B. P., & Langevin, D. (2011). Aqueous foams stabilized solely by particles. Soft matter, 7(4), 1260-1267.

Foams are dispersions of bubbles in liquids, often water. They are frequently stabilized by surfactant or polymer, but like Pickering emulsions, they can be also stabilized solely by particles. If the particles have a moderate hydrophobicity, the foa... Read More about Aqueous foams stabilized solely by particles.

Effectiveness of search strategies for qualitative research about barriers and facilitators of program delivery (2011)
Journal Article
Pearson, M., Moxham, T., & Ashton, K. (2011). Effectiveness of search strategies for qualitative research about barriers and facilitators of program delivery. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 34(3), 297-308.

Electronic database search strategies have developed substantially over the course of the past two decades, but their optimal use within a broader search strategy remains unclear. This article evaluates the use of a range of search strategies to iden... Read More about Effectiveness of search strategies for qualitative research about barriers and facilitators of program delivery.

A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys (2011)
Journal Article
Shu, D., Sun, B., Mi, J., & Grant, P. S. (2011). A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys. Acta Materialia, 59(5), 2135-2144.

The nucleation ability of inoculating particles inside the solute diffusion zone around growing grains during alloy solidification is studied using a spherical, equiaxed dendritic grain model coupled with a new modified free growth model to predict t... Read More about A quantitative study of solute diffusion field effects on heterogeneous nucleation and the grain size of alloys.

It's not cricket: the Ashes of nursing education (2011)
Journal Article
Shields, L., Purcell, C., & Watson, R. (2011). It's not cricket: the Ashes of nursing education. Nurse education today, 31(4), 314-316.

The aim of this short discussion paper is to engender debate about the downturn in intellectual standing of nursing courses in Australia, where entry standards to nursing courses, and pass marks are being lowered to cater to the needs of health servi... Read More about It's not cricket: the Ashes of nursing education.

Depression and anxiety related subtypes in Parkinson's disease (2011)
Journal Article
Brown, R., Landau, S., Hindle, J., Playfer, J., Samuel, M., Wilson, K., Hurt, C., Anderson, R., Carnell, J., Dickinson, L., Gibson, G., van Schaick, R., Sellwood, K., Thomas, B., Burn, D., & for the PROMS-PD Study Group. (2011). Depression and anxiety related subtypes in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 82(7), 803-809.

Background: Depression and anxiety are common in Parkinson's disease (PD) and although clinically important remain poorly understood and managed. To date, research has tended to treat depression and anxiety as distinct phenomena. There is growing evi... Read More about Depression and anxiety related subtypes in Parkinson's disease.

Management of the marine environment: Integrating ecosystem services and societal benefits with the DPSIR framework in a systems approach (2011)
Journal Article
Atkins, J. P., Burdon, D., Elliott, M., & Gregory, A. J. (2011). Management of the marine environment: Integrating ecosystem services and societal benefits with the DPSIR framework in a systems approach. Marine pollution bulletin, 62(2), 215-226.

Ever increasing and diverse use of the marine environment is leading to human-induced changes in marine life, habitats and landscapes, making necessary the development of marine policy that considers all members of the user community and addresses cu... Read More about Management of the marine environment: Integrating ecosystem services and societal benefits with the DPSIR framework in a systems approach.

Mental health nursing (2011)
Book Chapter
Palmer, H., Barkley, I., Howe, M., Burton, N., Flanagan, T., Welbourn, T., & White, J. (2011). Mental health nursing. In The nursing companion (287 - 310). Palgrave Macmillan

Nursing children and young people (2011)
Book Chapter
Jolley, A., Wake, E., Williams, R., Jolley, S., & Elliott, B. (2011). Nursing children and young people. In The nursing companion (229 - 262). Palgrave Macmillan

Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems (2011)
Journal Article
Borja, A., Barbone, E., Basset, A., Borgersen, G., Brkljacic, M., Elliott, M., Garmendia, J. M., Marques, J. C., Mazik, K., Muxika, I., Neto, J. M., Norling, K., Rodríguez, J. G., Rosati, I., Rygg, B., Teixeira, H., & Trayanova, A. (2011). Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems. Marine pollution bulletin, 62(3), 499-513.

In recent times many benthic indices have been proposed to assess the ecological quality of marine waters worldwide. In this study we compared single metrics and multi-metric methods to assess coastal and transitional benthic status along human press... Read More about Response of single benthic metrics and multi-metric methods to anthropogenic pressure gradients, in five distinct European coastal and transitional ecosystems.

A multi-agent self correcting architecture for distributed manufacturing supply chain (2011)
Journal Article
Kumar, V., & Mishra, N. (2011). A multi-agent self correcting architecture for distributed manufacturing supply chain. IEEE systems journal, 5(1), 6-15.

© 2010 IEEE. Nowadays the supply chain for distributed manufacturing is gaining attention of the researchers worldwide. Realizing its significance this article proposes a self correcting multi-agent architecture for the supply chain for the distribut... Read More about A multi-agent self correcting architecture for distributed manufacturing supply chain.

Axon and muscle spindle hyperplasia in the myostatin null mouse (2011)
Journal Article
Elashry, M. I., Otto, A., Matsakas, A., El-Morsy, S. E., Jones, L., Anderson, B., & Patel, K. (2011). Axon and muscle spindle hyperplasia in the myostatin null mouse. Journal of anatomy, 218(2), 173-184.

Germline deletion of the myostatin gene results in hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the tension-generating (extrafusal) fibres in skeletal muscle. As this gene is expressed predominantly in myogenic tissues it offers an excellent model with which to in... Read More about Axon and muscle spindle hyperplasia in the myostatin null mouse.

Supporting disabled student nurses from registration to qualification: a review of the United Kingdom (UK) literature. (2011)
Journal Article
Storr, H., Wray, J., & Draper, P. (2011). Supporting disabled student nurses from registration to qualification: a review of the United Kingdom (UK) literature. Nurse education today, 31(8), e29-e33.

This paper reviews the UK evidence in relation to support for disabled student nurses from admission to qualification. The review was undertaken with a view to informing the provision of more effective support for disabled student nurses both within... Read More about Supporting disabled student nurses from registration to qualification: a review of the United Kingdom (UK) literature..

Prostate cancer stem cells: do they have a basal or luminal phenotype? (2011)
Journal Article
Maitland, N. J., Frame, F. M., Polson, E. S., Lewis, J. L., & Collins, A. T. (2011). Prostate cancer stem cells: do they have a basal or luminal phenotype?. Hormones and Cancer, 2(1), 47-61.

The prostate is a luminal secretory tissue whose function is regulated by male sex hormones. Castration produces involution of the prostate to a reversible basal state, and as the majority of prostate cancers also have a luminal phenotype, drug-induc... Read More about Prostate cancer stem cells: do they have a basal or luminal phenotype?.

Objective measures of physical capability and subsequent health: A systematic review (2011)
Journal Article
Cooper, R., Kuh, D., Cooper, C., Gale, C. R., Lawlor, D. A., Matthews, F., & Hardy, R. (2011). Objective measures of physical capability and subsequent health: A systematic review. Age and ageing, 40(1), 14-23.

Background: measures of physical capability may be predictive of subsequent health, but existing published studies have not been systematically reviewed. We hypothesised that weaker grip strength, slower walking speed and chair rising and shorter sta... Read More about Objective measures of physical capability and subsequent health: A systematic review.

A European perspective on population studies of dementia (2011)
Journal Article
Brayne, C., Stephan, B. C., & Matthews, F. E. (2011). A European perspective on population studies of dementia. Alzheimer's & dementia, 7(1), 3-9.

The change in the world's age demographics and the predicted rise in the incidence of age-related diseases, including dementia, is a source of major public health concern. Major research effort in both the United States and Europe has been targeted t... Read More about A European perspective on population studies of dementia.

Epidemiological neuropathology: The MRC cognitive function and aging study experience (2011)
Journal Article
Wharton, S. B., Brayne, C., Savva, G. M., Matthews, F. E., Forster, G., Simpson, J., …Ince, P. G. (2011). Epidemiological neuropathology: The MRC cognitive function and aging study experience. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 25(2), 359-372.

We here describe the study-design major findings from the neuropathological component of the Medical Research Council Cognitive Function and Aging Study (MRC CFAS). MRC CFAS is a population-representative study of aging and health including more than... Read More about Epidemiological neuropathology: The MRC cognitive function and aging study experience.