Of Imprints and Metaphors: The Construction of Stubburn Bodies in the Science Fiction Film Chrysalis
Book Chapter
Ornella, A. (2015). Of Imprints and Metaphors: The Construction of Stubburn Bodies in the Science Fiction Film Chrysalis. In A. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological, and Aesthetic Perspectives (209-230). Inter-Disciplinary Press
All Outputs (93)
The transgressive potential of families in commercial homes (2015)
Book Chapter
Seymour, J. (2015). The transgressive potential of families in commercial homes. In Y. Taylor, & E. Casey (Eds.), Intimacies, Critical Consumption and Diverse Economies (107-125). Palgrave Macmillan UK
Breakbeat syncretism: The drum sample in African American popular music (2015)
Book Chapter
Oliver, R. (2015). Breakbeat syncretism: The drum sample in African American popular music. In J. Metcalf, & C. Spaulding (Eds.), African American Culture and Society After Rodney King: Provocations and Protests, Progression and 'Post-Racialism' (177-192). Ashgate
Rotoscoping uncanny bodies: Animation technology, animation aesthetics (2015)
Book Chapter
Davis, A. M. (2015). Rotoscoping uncanny bodies: Animation technology, animation aesthetics. In A. D. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives (143-160). Inter-Disciplinary Press
Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’ (2015)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez-Arnal, S. (2015). Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’. In A. D. Ornella (Ed.), Making Humans: Religious, Technological and Aesthetic Perspectives (107-127). Inter-Disciplinary PressIn this chapter I argue, against Mary Midgley, that the ‘yuk’ feeling that is elicited by chimeras should not be taken into account when making moral evaluations of the kind of biotechnology that creates them (‘algeny’, according to Midgley). She lin... Read More about Are chimeras ‘natural’? Disgust, ethics and ‘nature’.
Theories in selected academic fields: Auditing and governance (2015)
Book Chapter
Ahmad Khair, A. H. (2015). Theories in selected academic fields: Auditing and governance. In A. Idris, S. Moghavvemi, & G. Musa (Eds.), Selected theories in social science research. University of Malaya Press
(Re)Presenting the Past in Uwe Boll’s "Auschwitz" (2011) (2015)
Book Chapter
Ward, E. M. (2015). (Re)Presenting the Past in Uwe Boll’s "Auschwitz" (2011). In T. Schult, & D. I. Popescu (Eds.), Revisiting Holocaust Representation in the Post-Witness Era (198-213). Palgrave Macmillan UK. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137530424
Galactic archaeology and minimum spanning trees (2015)
Book Chapter
MacFarlane, B. A., Gibson, B. K., & Flynn, C. M. L. (2015). Galactic archaeology and minimum spanning trees. In I. Skillen, M. Balcells, & S. Trager (Eds.), Multi-Object Spectroscopy in the Next Decade: Big Questions, Large Surveys, and Wide Fields (79-83). Astronomical Society of the PacificChemical tagging of stellar debris from disrupted open clusters and associations underpins the science cases for next-generation multi-object spectroscopic surveys. As part of the Galactic Archaeology project TraCD (Tracking Cluster Debris), a prelim... Read More about Galactic archaeology and minimum spanning trees.
Integrating user-centred design in the development of a silent speech interface based on permanent magnetic articulography (2015)
Book Chapter
Cheah, L. A., Gilbert, J. M., Gonzalez, J. A., Bai, J., Ell, S. R., Fagan, M. J., Moore, R. K., Green, P. D., & Rychenko, S. I. (2015). Integrating user-centred design in the development of a silent speech interface based on permanent magnetic articulography. In Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies; Communications in Computer and Information Science (324-337). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27707-3_20Abstract: A new wearable silent speech interface (SSI) based on Permanent Magnetic Articulography (PMA) was developed with the involvement of end users in the design process. Hence, desirable features such as appearance, port-ability, ease of use and... Read More about Integrating user-centred design in the development of a silent speech interface based on permanent magnetic articulography.
Ekphrasis and poetry (2015)
Book Chapter
Kennedy, D. (2015). Ekphrasis and poetry. In G. Rippl (Ed.), Handbook of Intermediality (82-91). De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110311075-006The ekphrastic poem, like its close cousin the elegiac poem, is more a mood or method of working than a mode with a set of distinctive, clearly defined characteristics. This chapter aims to complement the chapter on theory by James Heffernan by surve... Read More about Ekphrasis and poetry.
The Indian Army in Europe, 1914–1918 (2015)
Book Chapter
Omissi, D. (2015). The Indian Army in Europe, 1914–1918. In E. Storm, & A. Al Tuma (Eds.), Colonial Soldiers in Europe, 1914-1945: "Aliens in Uniform" in wartime societies (119-139). Taylor and Francis. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315658414-14In January 1915, a wounded Punjabi Rajput soldier, recovering from injuries sustained on the Western Front, wrote a letter home from a hospital in Britain to a relative in India. ‘This is not war,’ he said, ‘it is the ending of the world. This is jus... Read More about The Indian Army in Europe, 1914–1918.
Conceptualising authentic mobile learning (2015)
Book Chapter
Burden, K., & Kearney, M. (2016). Conceptualising authentic mobile learning. In D. Churchill, J. Lu, T. K. Chiu, & B. Fox (Eds.), Mobile learning design: Theories and application (27-42). Springer Publishing Company. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-0027-0_2© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016. Conventional accounts of authentic learning focus on contextual factors: tasks, processes, how situated the learning is and the extent to which learners engage in simulated or participative real-world... Read More about Conceptualising authentic mobile learning.
England’s Wars of Religion: A Reassessment (2015)
Book Chapter
Prior, C. W. (2015). England’s Wars of Religion: A Reassessment. In W. Palaver, H. Rudolph, & D. Regensburger (Eds.), The European wars of religion: An interdisciplinary reassessment of sources, interpretations and myths (119-138). Ashgate. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315558486In 1983 John Morrill concluded a lecture before the Royal Historical Society in London with the observation that the English civil war was ‘the last of the wars of religion’. 1 is was profoundly suggestive, given the fact that religion had shaped pol... Read More about England’s Wars of Religion: A Reassessment.
Induction of human regulatory T cells with bacterial superantigens (2015)
Book Chapter
Caserta, S., Taylor, A. L., Terrazzini, N., & Llewelyn, M. J. (2016). Induction of human regulatory T cells with bacterial superantigens. In Superantigens; Methods in Molecular Biology (181-206). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-3344-0_16© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) that suppress the activation of immune effector cells limit immunopathology and are fast emerging as therapeutic targets for autoimmune and cancer disease. Tools enabling Tre... Read More about Induction of human regulatory T cells with bacterial superantigens.
Hollywood and Europe; remaking The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2015)
Book Chapter
Mazdon, L. (2015). Hollywood and Europe; remaking The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In M. Harrod, M. Liz, & A. Timoshkina (Eds.), The Europeanness of European Cinema: Identitity, Meaning, Globalization (199-212). Bloomsbury Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9780755694822.ch-013
Tolerance (2015)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Tolerance. In Vocabulary for the study of religion. Brill Academic PublishersArticle examining the origins of the concept of tolerance.
Islamic law (2015)
Book Chapter
Shah, N. A. (2015). Islamic law. In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Third Edition (1-9). https://doi.org/10.1081/e-epap3-120051214Abstract Islamic legal system is one of the major legal systems in the world. It is a time-tested system based on over centuries of evolution. But it does not mean that it is a perfect system. Like any other legal system, it has weaknesses, strengths... Read More about Islamic law.
Organizational Forms in Insurance: A Comparison of the USA and Germany during Industrialization (2015)
Book Chapter
Pearson, R. (2015). Organizational Forms in Insurance: A Comparison of the USA and Germany during Industrialization. In R. Pearson, & T. Yoneyama (Eds.), Corporate Forms and Organisational Choice in International Insurance (114-145). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780198739005.003.0006This chapter offers the first historical comparison of organizational choice in two of the world’s leading insurance nations, the United States and Germany, as they industrialized before 1914. It provides an overview of the context in which insurance... Read More about Organizational Forms in Insurance: A Comparison of the USA and Germany during Industrialization.
Organizational Choice in UK Marine Insurance (2015)
Book Chapter
Pearson, R., & Doe, H. (2015). Organizational Choice in UK Marine Insurance. In R. Pearson, & T. Yoneyama (Eds.), Corporate Forms and Organisational Choice in International Insurance (47-67). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780198739005.003.0003From the eighteenth century British marine insurance developed via a wide range of organizational forms, including individual and syndicated underwriters, mutual associations, chartered corporations, unchartered stock companies, and protection and in... Read More about Organizational Choice in UK Marine Insurance.
Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance: An Overview of the History and Theory (2015)
Book Chapter
Pearson, R., & Yoneyama, T. (2015). Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance: An Overview of the History and Theory. In R. Pearson, & T. Yoneyama (Eds.), Corporate Forms and Organisational Choice in International Insurance (1-26). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780198739005.003.0001This introductory chapter provides an overview of the development of organizations in insurance worldwide from the origins of the industry to the present day and summarizes the relevant theoretical and empirical literature on this topic. It describes... Read More about Corporate Forms and Organizational Choice in International Insurance: An Overview of the History and Theory.