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Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment (2021)
Journal Article
Zardi, {. I., Monsinjon, {. R., McQuaid, {. D., Seuront, L., Orostica, M., Want, A., Firth, L. B., & Nicastro, K. R. (2021). Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment. Global change biology, 27, 2549--2560.

Temperature extremes are predicted to intensify with climate change. These extremes are rapidly emerging as a powerful driver of species distributional changes with the capacity to disrupt the functioning and provision of services of entire ecosystem... Read More about Foul-weather friends: Modelling thermal stress mitigation by symbiotic endolithic microbes in a changing environment.

Jurisdictional and Procedural Dilemmas of the Family Courts in Bangladesh (2021)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, M. J. A., & Shafiq, A. B. (2021). Jurisdictional and Procedural Dilemmas of the Family Courts in Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law, 9(1), 51-71

Bangladesh's Family Courts Ordinance (FCO) 1985 was touted as a very significant development in the personal law enforcement regime. It sought to establish a civil court of exclusive jurisdiction to dispose of family suits. The court was supposed no... Read More about Jurisdictional and Procedural Dilemmas of the Family Courts in Bangladesh.

Two Positions and Two Paths of the Localization of Chinese Sociology—A Discussion with Professor Xie Yu and He Xuefeng (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2021). Two Positions and Two Paths of the Localization of Chinese Sociology—A Discussion with Professor Xie Yu and He Xuefeng. Journal of Social Sciences 社会科学, 2021(1), 27-33.

The current debate on the indigenization of Chinese sociology has been divided into two tit-for-tat positions: one is the disciplinary norm position, which advocates using China as a tool for the purpose of promoting the overall development of sociol... Read More about Two Positions and Two Paths of the Localization of Chinese Sociology—A Discussion with Professor Xie Yu and He Xuefeng.

Impact of COVID-19 on vascular patients worldwide: analysis of the COVIDSurg data (2021)
Journal Article
Hitchman, L., & Machin, M. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on vascular patients worldwide: analysis of the COVIDSurg data. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 62(6), 558-70.

BACKGROUND: The COVIDSurg collaborative was an international multicenter prospective analysis of perioperative data from 235 hospitals in 24 countries. it found that perioperative COVID-19 infection was associated with a mortality rate of 24%. at the... Read More about Impact of COVID-19 on vascular patients worldwide: analysis of the COVIDSurg data.

CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries (2021)
Journal Article
Bhattarai, K., & Brind, B. (2021). CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries. Journal of Development Economics and Finance, 2(2),

This research set out to investigate whether economic growth has an impact on CO 2 emissions in G7 and BRICS countries, and whether the Paris Agreement has been effective in respect to CO 2 emissions by successfully analysing each of the five null hy... Read More about CO2 Emissions, Economic Growth, and Energy Consumption in G7 and BRICS Countries.

European respiratory society guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children (2021)
Journal Article
Morice, A. H., Millqvist, E., Bieksiene, K., Birring, S. S., Dicpinigaitis, P., Ribas, C. D., Boon, M. H., Kantar, A., Lai, K., McGarvey, L., Rigau, D., Satia, I., Smith, J., Song, W. J., Tonia, T., van den Berg, J. W., van Manen, M. J., & Zacharasiewicz, A. (2021). European respiratory society guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children. Pulmonologiya, 31(4), 418-438.

These guidelines incorporate the recent advances in chronic cough pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment. The concept of cough hypersensitivity has allowed an umbrella term that explains the exquisite sensitivity of patients to external stimuli suc... Read More about European respiratory society guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic cough in adults and children.

High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm (2021)
Journal Article
Kandana-Arachchige, K. G., Holle, H., Rossignol, M., Loureiro, I. S., & Lefebvre, L. (2021). High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm. Gesture, 20(3), 354-375.

While previous studies have shown the importance of visuo-spatial working memory in the processing of co-speech iconic gestures, clear evidence for a potential involvement of the verbal working memory (vWM) is currently lacking. To address this issue... Read More about High verbal working memory load impairs gesture-speech integration: Evidence from a dual task paradigm.

‘Start not, gentle reader!’: Re-reading Alicia LeFanu’s Helen Monteagle (1818) (2021)
Journal Article
Fitzer, A. (2021). ‘Start not, gentle reader!’: Re-reading Alicia LeFanu’s Helen Monteagle (1818). Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780-1840, 94-116.

This article is the first to focus upon Helen Monteagle (1818), a novel written by Alicia LeFanu and the second of six works of fiction she is known to have published between 1816 and 1826. In part an act of recovery, the article explores Helen Monte... Read More about ‘Start not, gentle reader!’: Re-reading Alicia LeFanu’s Helen Monteagle (1818).

Static Socio-Ecological COVID-19 Vulnerability Index and Vaccine Hesitancy Index for England (2021)
Journal Article
Welsh, C. E., Sinclair, D. R., & Matthews, F. E. (2022). Static Socio-Ecological COVID-19 Vulnerability Index and Vaccine Hesitancy Index for England. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 14, Article 100296.

Background: Population characteristics can be used to infer vulnerability of communities to COVID-19, or to the likelihood of high levels of vaccine hesitancy. Communities harder hit by the virus, or at risk of being so, stand to benefit from greater... Read More about Static Socio-Ecological COVID-19 Vulnerability Index and Vaccine Hesitancy Index for England.

Understanding HPV and cervical screening (2021)
Journal Article
Butler, S., & Wilkinson, Y. (2022). Understanding HPV and cervical screening. Practice Nursing, 33(1), 14-17.

Cervical cancer is preventable and curable. Sarah Butler and Yvonne Wilkinson explain how the cervical screening programme has changed from a cytology based test to HPV primary screening

Screening for human papillomavirus is now the primary test f... Read More about Understanding HPV and cervical screening.

Pd-Immobilized Schiff Base Double-Layer Macrocycle: Synthesis, Structures, Peroxidase Mimic Activity, and Antibacterial Performance (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, K., Chen, K., Prior, T. J., Feng, X., & Redshaw, C. (2022). Pd-Immobilized Schiff Base Double-Layer Macrocycle: Synthesis, Structures, Peroxidase Mimic Activity, and Antibacterial Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(1), 1423–1433.

Di-, tri-, and tetra-aldehydes have been employed to access new [2 + 2] [2 + 3] and [2 + 4] double-layer Schiff base macrocycles. The [2 + 3] compound has been used for the immobilization of Pd and the resulting composite has been employed as a perox... Read More about Pd-Immobilized Schiff Base Double-Layer Macrocycle: Synthesis, Structures, Peroxidase Mimic Activity, and Antibacterial Performance.

Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it (2021)
Journal Article
Greenhough, B., Barrett, S., Towlson, C., & Abt, G. (2021). Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it. PLoS ONE, 16(12), Article e0261378.

A small evidence base supports the use of virtual reality in professional soccer, yet there is a lack of information available on perceptions and desire to use the technology from those employed at professional soccer clubs. Therefore, the aim of the... Read More about Perceptions of professional soccer coaches, support staff and players toward virtual reality and the factors that modify their intention to use it.

How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship (2021)
Journal Article
Fu, T., Jian, Z., & Li, Y. (in press). How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE,

The existing literature provides mixed evidence about the effect of state ownership on corporate research and development (R&D). As this article hypothesizes, state ownership has a positive institutional effect on the investment environment for R&D a... Read More about How state ownership affects corporate R&D: An inverted‐U‐shaped relationship.

Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media (2021)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Younas, A., Rehman, S. A., & Ali, P. A. (2021). Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media. Frontiers of Nursing, 8(4), 429-436.

Objectives: To investigate what the most common types of articles that nursing journals purport to publish are and what they actually publish. And to investigate the extent to which academic nursing journals listed by Clarivate track alternative metr... Read More about Clarivate listed nursing journals in 2020: What they publish and how they measure use of social media.

Understanding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on delivery of rehabilitation in specialist palliative care services: An analysis of the CovPall-Rehab survey data (2021)
Journal Article
Bayly, J., Bradshaw, A., Fettes, L., Omarjee, M., Talbot-Rice, H., Walshe, C., Sleeman, K. E., Bajwah, S., Dunleavy, L., Hocaoglu, M., Oluyase, A., Garner, I., Cripps, R. L., Preston, N., Fraser, L. K., Murtagh, F. E., Higginson, I. J., & Maddocks, M. (in press). Understanding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on delivery of rehabilitation in specialist palliative care services: An analysis of the CovPall-Rehab survey data. Palliative medicine,

Background: Palliative rehabilitation involves multi-professional processes and interventions aimed at optimising patients’ symptom self-management, independence and social participation throughout advanced illness. Rehabilitation services were highl... Read More about Understanding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on delivery of rehabilitation in specialist palliative care services: An analysis of the CovPall-Rehab survey data.

What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition (2021)
Journal Article
Guo, J., Li, P., & Li, Y. (2022). What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition. Management Science, 68(8), 6184-6218.

This study comprehensively evaluates and ranks a large number of competing explanations for the momentum anomaly. As a benchmark for evaluation, firm fundamentals are found to be the most promising among well-known explanations of momentum, followed... Read More about What Can Explain Momentum? Evidence from Decomposition.

Practitioner perspectives on best practice in non-treatment factors that support the delivery of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for depression (2021)
Journal Article
Mallon, S., Walker, K., Bayley, Z., & Griffiths, C. (2022). Practitioner perspectives on best practice in non-treatment factors that support the delivery of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for depression. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 29(3), 463-471.

What is known about the subject?: The practices of mental health nurses in the administration of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatments for depression in outpatient clinic are crucial for patient outcomes To date, most researc... Read More about Practitioner perspectives on best practice in non-treatment factors that support the delivery of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for depression.

Anatomy and physiology of the breast (2021)
Journal Article
Bazira, P. J., Ellis, H., & Mahadevan, V. (2022). Anatomy and physiology of the breast. Surgery (Oxford), 40(2), 79-83.

The human breasts are paired mammary glands located on the anterior aspect of the thorax. They are more prominent in females after puberty and only rudimentary in males. This article will therefore focus primarily on the female breast, noting any iss... Read More about Anatomy and physiology of the breast.

An extended institutional theory perspective on the adoption of circular economy practices: Insights from the seafood industry (2021)
Journal Article
Do, Q., Mishra, N., Colicchia, C., Creazza, A., & Ramudhin, A. (2022). An extended institutional theory perspective on the adoption of circular economy practices: Insights from the seafood industry. International journal of production economics, 247, Article 108400.

The management of seafood processing by-products (SPBPs) is an interesting but underexplored topic in the circular economy (CE) research stream. The extant CE literature is mainly devoted to the topic's theoretical aspects and largely neglects the li... Read More about An extended institutional theory perspective on the adoption of circular economy practices: Insights from the seafood industry.

Tethered ruthenium(II) η6-arene complexes: assessing the potential of benzylic substituents to control metal-centred chirality, and applications in asymmetric transfer hydrogenations of ketones (2021)
Journal Article
Shroot, S., Prior, T. J., Wiles, C., & Murray, B. S. (2022). Tethered ruthenium(II) η6-arene complexes: assessing the potential of benzylic substituents to control metal-centred chirality, and applications in asymmetric transfer hydrogenations of ketones. Journal of organometallic chemistry, 960, Article 122232.

The synthesis and characterisation of a small series of tethered ruthenium(II) η6-arene complexes is described, where a single benzylic substituent is examined as a route to enforcing chirality at the metal centre upon ligation of a tethered bidentat... Read More about Tethered ruthenium(II) η6-arene complexes: assessing the potential of benzylic substituents to control metal-centred chirality, and applications in asymmetric transfer hydrogenations of ketones.