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The benthonic foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Zin Valley, Negev, Israel (1986)
Chepstow-Lusty, A. J. (1986). The benthonic foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Zin Valley, Negev, Israel. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Closely spaced samples from two sections of the marly Taqiye Formation in the Zin Valley (southern Israel), Ein Mor (EM) and Hor HaHar (HH) containing the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary, have been analysed for benthonic foraminifera within the fr... Read More about The benthonic foraminifera across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Zin Valley, Negev, Israel.

Integrating sensors and actuators for robotic assembly (1986)
Johnson, D. G. (1986). Integrating sensors and actuators for robotic assembly. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

This thesis addresses the problem of integrating sensors and actuators for closed-loop control of a robotic assembly cell. In addition to the problems of interfacing the physical components of the work-cell, the difficulties of representing sensory... Read More about Integrating sensors and actuators for robotic assembly.

Ultralow interfacial tensions and microemulsion formation in oil-water-surfactant systems (1986)
Binks, B. P. (1986). Ultralow interfacial tensions and microemulsion formation in oil-water-surfactant systems. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The thesis is concerned with aspects of the surface and colloid chemistry of various oil+water systems containing pure surfactants. In alkane plus aqueous NaCI systems containing the surfactant diethylhexyl sodium sulphosuccinate (AOT) , the alkane-a... Read More about Ultralow interfacial tensions and microemulsion formation in oil-water-surfactant systems.

Relocation and high-rise living : a study of Singapore's public housing (1986)
Tai, C. L. (1986). Relocation and high-rise living : a study of Singapore's public housing. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Public housing in Singapore is one of the most significant development programmes in the state. It has been centrally planned and implemented by the Government not only to tackle housing problems and rebuild the decaying inner city areas, but also t... Read More about Relocation and high-rise living : a study of Singapore's public housing.

The influence of economic, political and socio-cultural factors on the development of health services in Saudi Arabia (1986)
Alshammasi, A. A. A. (1986). The influence of economic, political and socio-cultural factors on the development of health services in Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

In this thesis I examine the influence of economic, political and socio-cultural factors on the development of health services in Saudi Arabia. There are four main parts and a conclusion. In Part One I review the situation in developing countries. Ma... Read More about The influence of economic, political and socio-cultural factors on the development of health services in Saudi Arabia.

River planform, soil stratigraphy and the temporal and palaeoenvironmental significance of terraced valley fill deposits in upland Scotland, with specific reference to Glen Feshie, south-west Cairngorms (1986)
Robertson-Rintoul, M. S. E. (1986). River planform, soil stratigraphy and the temporal and palaeoenvironmental significance of terraced valley fill deposits in upland Scotland, with specific reference to Glen Feshie, south-west Cairngorms. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

River terraces form prominent features of the valley floor morphology of many upland valleys in Scotland. Little is known, however, about valley floor landform development in many of these valleys. Previous studies have generally explained the terrac... Read More about River planform, soil stratigraphy and the temporal and palaeoenvironmental significance of terraced valley fill deposits in upland Scotland, with specific reference to Glen Feshie, south-west Cairngorms.

From line geometry to area topology (1986)
Preprint / Working Paper
Kirby, G. H., Visvalingam, M., & Wade, P. R. From line geometry to area topology

Area objects are represented on a computer by geometric or locational information (which describe the course of their boundaries), topological information (which describe the areal units to which boundaries belong), and geographic or other informatio... Read More about From line geometry to area topology.

The transformation of the small master economy in the boot and shoe industry 1887-1914 : with special reference to Northampton (1986)
Brooker, K. B. (1986). The transformation of the small master economy in the boot and shoe industry 1887-1914 : with special reference to Northampton. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The footwear industry is one of the important examples of late industrial transformation in nineteenth century  Britain. The aim here is to investigate shoe manufacturers' reactions to this period of structural and  organisational change. T... Read More about The transformation of the small master economy in the boot and shoe industry 1887-1914 : with special reference to Northampton.

The Late Quaternary palaeoecological history of the Great Wold Valley (1986)
Bush, M. B. (1986). The Late Quaternary palaeoecological history of the Great Wold Valley. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The paucity of polliniferous deposits on the British chalklands has left something of a vacuum in the known vegetational history of the British Isles. Conflicting ideas of the past landscape of the chalklands have been  presented by archaeologis... Read More about The Late Quaternary palaeoecological history of the Great Wold Valley.

Two phase problems and two phase flow (1986)
Kunda, W. (1986). Two phase problems and two phase flow. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

In section 1 of this thesis a two-dimensional mathematical model is used to investigate the circulation in a gas-bubble agitation system of a cylindrical vessel for the case of an orifice located at the centre of the base. The two-phase (liquid/gas)... Read More about Two phase problems and two phase flow.

Bacteria in contrasting headwater streams (1986)
Rimes, C. A. (1986). Bacteria in contrasting headwater streams. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Suspended and epiphytic bacteria were studied in calcareous headstreams of the Yorkshire Wolds and in acid headstreams of the Galloway Hills.

Mean concentrations of suspended bacteria were marginally greater in the calcareous streams, while hetero... Read More about Bacteria in contrasting headwater streams.

Soviet/Vietnam relations, 1969 to 1978 (1986)
Lord, S. M. (1986). Soviet/Vietnam relations, 1969 to 1978. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The SRV occupy an ambiguous position in relation to the Soviet Union, conforming neither wholly to the status of an eastern bloc state nor to that of a developing country. Furthermore, the dynamics of the relationship ensure that the client patron re... Read More about Soviet/Vietnam relations, 1969 to 1978.

Myths of place : the importance of landscape in the poetries of W.H. Auden and Seamus Heaney (1986)
Houston, D. N. (1986). Myths of place : the importance of landscape in the poetries of W.H. Auden and Seamus Heaney. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Numerous studies of landscape in the works of Wordsworth and his predecessors exist; very few books, however, are concerned with its significance in modern and contemporary poetry. Works on Auden and Heaney make reference to local elements, but do no... Read More about Myths of place : the importance of landscape in the poetries of W.H. Auden and Seamus Heaney.

An investigation into the relationship between philosophical principle and artistic practice with reference to the role of dance in education (1986)
Bloomfield, A. (1986). An investigation into the relationship between philosophical principle and artistic practice with reference to the role of dance in education. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The thesis commences with the examination of the place of dance in British society, and focusses on its social and cultural role, while proffering explanations pertaining to its metaphysical and symbolical significance. It is evident that changes in... Read More about An investigation into the relationship between philosophical principle and artistic practice with reference to the role of dance in education.

Single nephron structure and function, and renal effects of catecholamines in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula (1986)
Green, C. (1986). Single nephron structure and function, and renal effects of catecholamines in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

1. The organisation of the kidney, and nephron structure of Scyliorhinus canicula, was examined using light and scanning electron microscopy.
2. Visceral epithelium of the glomerulus was composed of podocytes, primary processes and interdigitating... Read More about Single nephron structure and function, and renal effects of catecholamines in the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula.

Boarding secondary education in the eastern states of Nigeria : influences, characteristics and problems (1986)
Enyong, S. C. T. (1986). Boarding secondary education in the eastern states of Nigeria : influences, characteristics and problems. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

The issue of boarding education at secondary level has been one of controversy in Nigeria at least throughout the period since Independence. From 1960 onwards the various authorities charged with the provision of secondary schooling have had to relat... Read More about Boarding secondary education in the eastern states of Nigeria : influences, characteristics and problems.

The life and work of Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (1986)
Stocker, M. A. (1986). The life and work of Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm. (Thesis). University of Hull. Retrieved from

Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm (1834-90) was, in his own time, the most popular, prolific and honoured sculptor of nineteenth-century England. This thesis aims to salvage Boehm's life and work from oblivion and to assess his achievements by complementing art... Read More about The life and work of Sir Joseph Edgar Boehm.