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The female-authored lyric in the Anthropocene: a creative-critical investigation into nonhuman concerns in contemporary anglophone poetry by women (2020)
Allen, R. (2020). The female-authored lyric in the Anthropocene: a creative-critical investigation into nonhuman concerns in contemporary anglophone poetry by women. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This study consists of a portfolio of creative work in the form of a sequence of verse and prose poems, entitled Kingdomland, preceded by a critical thesis: ‘The Female-Authored Lyric in the Anthropocene: a creative-critical investigation into nonhum... Read More about The female-authored lyric in the Anthropocene: a creative-critical investigation into nonhuman concerns in contemporary anglophone poetry by women.

Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’ (2018)
Book Chapter
Thomas, J. (2018). Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’. In D. Kennedy, & R. Meek (Eds.), Ekphrastic Encounters (165-180). Manchester University Press.

This chapter applies the idea of a non-hierarchical, creative exchange of meaning to Hamo Thornycroft’s 1884 sculpture of The Mower, and its accompanying epigraph from Matthew Arnold’s 1866 elegy for the poet Arthur Hugh Clough: ‘Thyrsis’. The chapte... Read More about Close encounters of the third kind : Hamo Thornycroft’s The Mower and Matthew Arnold’s ‘Thyrsis’.

‘We do it to keep him alive’: bereaved individuals’ experiences of online suicide memorials and continuing bonds (2015)
Journal Article
Bell, J., Bailey, L., & Kennedy, D. (2015). ‘We do it to keep him alive’: bereaved individuals’ experiences of online suicide memorials and continuing bonds. Mortality, 20(4), 375-389.

This paper presents draws on interviews with individuals who have experience of creating, maintaining and utilising Facebook sites in memory of a loved one who has died by suicide. We argue that Facebook enables the deceased to be an on-going active... Read More about ‘We do it to keep him alive’: bereaved individuals’ experiences of online suicide memorials and continuing bonds.

Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation (2014)
Journal Article
Bailey, L., Bell, J., & Kennedy, D. (2015). Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation. The new review of hypermedia and multimedia, 21(1-2), 72-86.

© 2014 The Author(s). The last 10 years have seen a rise in Internet sites commemorating those lost to suicide. These sites describe the life of the deceased and the afterlife of relatives, parents, friends or siblings who have been termed the "forgo... Read More about Continuing social presence of the dead: Exploring suicide bereavement through online memorialisation.

'Under a shower of bird-notes': R. S. Thomas's elegiac poems for Elsi (2014)
Journal Article
Kennedy, D. (2014). 'Under a shower of bird-notes': R. S. Thomas's elegiac poems for Elsi. English, 63(243), 296-312.

It has been customary to see elegies by male poets as exceptional rather than typical poems. W. H. Auden wrote that ‘Poets seem to be more generally successful at writing elegies than at any other literary genre’. Peter Sacks reads Milton’s ‘Lycidas’... Read More about 'Under a shower of bird-notes': R. S. Thomas's elegiac poems for Elsi.

Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale (2013)
Kennedy, D. G., & Kennedy, C. (2013). Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale. Liverpool University Press

The introduction to the recent anthology Infinite Difference: Other poetries by UK women poets noted ‘the still dismissive and gendered critical language often used to describe women's poetry'. This is certainly true in the case of British women's ex... Read More about Women's experimental poetry in Britain 1970-2010: body, time and locale.

The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere (2012)
Kennedy, D. (2012). The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere. Routledge

Examining a wide range of ekphrastic poems, David Kennedy argues that contemporary British poets writing out of both mainstream and avant-garde traditions challenge established critical models of ekphrasis with work that is more complex than represen... Read More about The ekphrastic encounter in contemporary British poetry and elsewhere.

'Open secrets': Masculine subjectivity and other men's bodies in some late twentieth-century British poetry (2011)
Journal Article
Kennedy, D. (2011). 'Open secrets': Masculine subjectivity and other men's bodies in some late twentieth-century British poetry. Textual Practice, 25(1), 87-107.

Stephen Heath has asked in 'Male Feminism', 'Do I write male? What does that mean?' Contemporary British poetry likes to imagine itself as ideologically innocent, particularly in terms of male subjectivity and masculinity. Masculinity becomes, theref... Read More about 'Open secrets': Masculine subjectivity and other men's bodies in some late twentieth-century British poetry.