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Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development (2019)
Roach, M. Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Globally the offshore wind energy sector has seen an increase in the number of and spatial scale of offshore wind farms in the last decade. Offshore wind farms can be seen as many EU member states answer to meeting their energy demands from renewable... Read More about Interaction between the Yorkshire coast static gear crustacean fishery and offshore wind energy development.

The effects of temporary exclusion of activity due to wind farm construction on a lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery suggests a potential management approach (2018)
Journal Article
Roach, M., Cohen, M., Forster, R., Revill, A. S., & Johnson, M. (2018). The effects of temporary exclusion of activity due to wind farm construction on a lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery suggests a potential management approach. ICES journal of marine science : journal du conseil, 75(4), 1416-1426.

Offshore wind farms form an important part of many countries strategy for responding to the threat of climate change but their development can conflict with other offshore activities. Static gear fisheries targeting sedentary benthic species are par... Read More about The effects of temporary exclusion of activity due to wind farm construction on a lobster (Homarus gammarus) fishery suggests a potential management approach.