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Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research (2023)
Journal Article
Harvey, G., Rycroft-Malone, J., Seers, K., Wilson, P., Cassidy, C., Embrett, M., Hu, J., Pearson, M., Semenic, S., Zhao, J., & Graham, I. D. (2023). Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research. Frontiers in Health Services, 3, Article 1162762.

The saying “horses for courses” refers to the idea that different people and things possess different skills or qualities that are appropriate in different situations. In this paper, we apply the analogy of “horses for courses” to stimulate a debate... Read More about Connecting the science and practice of implementation – applying the lens of context to inform study design in implementation research.

Failure to demonstrate short-cutting in a replication and extension of Tolman et al.’s spatial learning experiment with humans (2018)
Journal Article
Wilson, S. P., & Wilson, P. N. (2018). Failure to demonstrate short-cutting in a replication and extension of Tolman et al.’s spatial learning experiment with humans. PLoS ONE, 13(12), e0208794.

Successful demonstrations of novel short-cut taking by animals, including humans, are open to interpretation in terms of learning that is not necessarily spatial. A classic example is that of Tolman, Ritchie, and Kalish (1946) who allowed rats to rep... Read More about Failure to demonstrate short-cutting in a replication and extension of Tolman et al.’s spatial learning experiment with humans.

The first-perspective alignment effect: The role of environmental complexity and familiarity with surroundings (2011)
Journal Article
Tlauka, M., Carter, P., Mahlberg, T., & Wilson, P. N. (2011). The first-perspective alignment effect: The role of environmental complexity and familiarity with surroundings. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(11), 2236-2250.

People often remember relatively novel environments from the first perspective encountered or the first direction of travel. This initial perspective can determine a preferred orientation that facilitates the efficiency of spatial judgements at multi... Read More about The first-perspective alignment effect: The role of environmental complexity and familiarity with surroundings.

Enclosure shape influences cue competition effects and goal location learning (2010)
Journal Article
Wilson, P. N., & Alexander, T. (2010). Enclosure shape influences cue competition effects and goal location learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(8), 1552-1567.

In virtual-environment spatial-learning procedures, Experiment 1 investigated blocking of learning about distal landmarks beyond the walls of an enclosure following preliminary training to find a goal using local landmarks within the enclosure. Separ... Read More about Enclosure shape influences cue competition effects and goal location learning.

Blocking of goal-location learning based on shape (2009)
Journal Article
Alexander, T., Wilson, S. P., & Wilson, P. N. (2009). Blocking of goal-location learning based on shape. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35(3), 694-708.

Using desktop, computer-simulated virtual environments (VEs), the authors conducted 5 experiments to investigate blocking of learning about a goal location based on Shape B as a consequence of preliminary training to locate that goal using Shape A. T... Read More about Blocking of goal-location learning based on shape.

Blocking of spatial learning between enclosure geometry and a local landmark. (2008)
Journal Article
Wilson, P. N., & Alexander, T. (2008). Blocking of spatial learning between enclosure geometry and a local landmark. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34(6), 1369-1376.

In a virtual environment, blocking of spatial learning to locate an invisible target was found reciprocally between a distinctively shaped enclosure and a local landmark within its walls. The blocking effect was significantly stronger when the shape... Read More about Blocking of spatial learning between enclosure geometry and a local landmark..

Influences on the First-Perspective Alignment Effect from Text Route Descriptions (2008)
Journal Article
Wildbur, D. J., & Wilson, P. (2008). Influences on the First-Perspective Alignment Effect from Text Route Descriptions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(5), 763-783.

Four experiments investigated the more efficient recall of routes learned from text descriptions when the imagined orientation at test was in alignment with the first experienced perspective. Experiments 1 and 2 replicated the effect, but found littl... Read More about Influences on the First-Perspective Alignment Effect from Text Route Descriptions.