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All Outputs (5)

Chemometric methods for the analysis of process spectra using minimal reference data (2008)
Pedge, N. I. Chemometric methods for the analysis of process spectra using minimal reference data. (Thesis). University of Hull.

To construct a spectroscopic multivariate calibration model, a set of representative mixture spectra (independent variables) and the corresponding reference values for the property of interest (dependent variables) must be obtained. For a dynamic sys... Read More about Chemometric methods for the analysis of process spectra using minimal reference data.

The design and development of a system for automatic sound analysis (2006)
Barry, S. J. The design and development of a system for automatic sound analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Cough monitoring has been undertaken for many years but the subsequent analysis of cough frequency and the temporal relation to trigger factors have proven problematic. Since cough is episodic, data collection over many hours is required; real-time a... Read More about The design and development of a system for automatic sound analysis.

Application of chemometrics in process analysis (2006)
Ampiah-Bonney, R. J. Application of chemometrics in process analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The acid catalysed esterification of ethanol by acetic acid, a batch process, has been investigated on a laboratory scale at the high temperature range of 78 - 80°C. The data has been collected by Raman Spectroscopy and successfully de-noised using P... Read More about Application of chemometrics in process analysis.

Applications and developments of chemometric methods for process analytical chemistry (2006)
Wellock, R. H. Applications and developments of chemometric methods for process analytical chemistry. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Traditional process monitoring methods of off-line analysis involve removing a sample from the process and taking it to a centralised analytical laboratory. It takes time for the analytical result to be achieved and the result is used retrospectively... Read More about Applications and developments of chemometric methods for process analytical chemistry.

The application of chemometrics to spectroscopic and process analytical data (2003)
Loades, V. C. The application of chemometrics to spectroscopic and process analytical data. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The research has included collaboration with number of different companies and consortiums involving spectroscopic measurements with the application of chemometric techniques.

For the 'European Framework 5', Standards Measurements and Testing (SMT... Read More about The application of chemometrics to spectroscopic and process analytical data.