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All Outputs (11)

Pride, shame, and the civic imaginary : Hull as UK City of Culture and Brexit (2021)
Howcroft, M. Pride, shame, and the civic imaginary : Hull as UK City of Culture and Brexit. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates how civic pride and shame have shaped the political cultures and cultural behaviours of Kingston Upon Hull between 2010-2020. In 2016, Hull voted ‘overwhelmingly’ to leave the European Union - a decision interpreted by many a... Read More about Pride, shame, and the civic imaginary : Hull as UK City of Culture and Brexit.

The historical geographies of European childhood in colonial Africa : children's lives in Nyasaland 1889-1964 (2018)
Cross, B. M. The historical geographies of European childhood in colonial Africa : children's lives in Nyasaland 1889-1964. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The research presented in this thesis recovers the experiences of European children who grew up in colonial Nyasaland, now known as Malawi, in the late nineteenth and early-mid twentieth centuries (1889-1964). These geographical histories of childhoo... Read More about The historical geographies of European childhood in colonial Africa : children's lives in Nyasaland 1889-1964.

The Port of Hull, 1945-2000 : change, adaptation and memory (2015)
Ombler, A. D. The Port of Hull, 1945-2000 : change, adaptation and memory. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In this study, which draws on a large body of archival and oral history material, I outline the economic shifts, technological development and political factors that impacted the British port system after 1945 and transformed its spaces, practices an... Read More about The Port of Hull, 1945-2000 : change, adaptation and memory.

After the trawl : memory and afterlife in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery from 1976 (2015)
Byrne, J. After the trawl : memory and afterlife in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery from 1976. (Thesis). University of Hull.

From the late nineteenth century the city of Hull became synonymous with trawling. For almost a century its distant-water fishery developed as a strongly place-centered industry, concentrated in the western port district of Hessle Road. Here, amid... Read More about After the trawl : memory and afterlife in the wake of Hull's distant-water trawl fishery from 1976.

The formation, implementation and reception of gender and sexualities education in English primary schools (2015)
Hall, J. J. The formation, implementation and reception of gender and sexualities education in English primary schools. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines the formation of gender and sexualities education and its implementation and reception in two state-funded English primary schools. The first part identifies how childhood discourses circulating in Section 28 debates influenced t... Read More about The formation, implementation and reception of gender and sexualities education in English primary schools.

A human geographical exploration of adventure motorcycling : freedom to move, freedom to feel, freedom to choose (2013)
Wolferink, G. S. A human geographical exploration of adventure motorcycling : freedom to move, freedom to feel, freedom to choose. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Freedom is a term that is used often when an adventure motorcyclist is asked what it is all about and when asked what it is what he or she experiences and why he or she engages in this activity. This thesis explores what adventure motorcycling is all... Read More about A human geographical exploration of adventure motorcycling : freedom to move, freedom to feel, freedom to choose.

Effective policy making for establishing sustainable local food systems : the East Riding of Yorkshire and the Abruzzo region, Italy. (2012)
O'Neill, K. Effective policy making for establishing sustainable local food systems : the East Riding of Yorkshire and the Abruzzo region, Italy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigates the ways in which local food has increasingly been seen as an integral part of rural development, and explored the increasing interest in local food from academics, policy-makers, businesses and consumers. The overall questio... Read More about Effective policy making for establishing sustainable local food systems : the East Riding of Yorkshire and the Abruzzo region, Italy..

Hybrid climbing bodies: the climbing assemblage and the technologically mediated engagements and ascensions of rock climbers (2010)
Barratt, P. R. Hybrid climbing bodies: the climbing assemblage and the technologically mediated engagements and ascensions of rock climbers. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis contributes an Actor Network Theory inspired approach to the study of rock climbing to argue that climbers are more-than-human fusions comprised of the human and non-human. The research explores this notion of hybrid climbers, which I te... Read More about Hybrid climbing bodies: the climbing assemblage and the technologically mediated engagements and ascensions of rock climbers.

Walking and talking : topographies of memory in Kingston-upon-Hull (2010)
Roberts, T. Walking and talking : topographies of memory in Kingston-upon-Hull. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis explores the relationships between different memory narratives within the unglamorous, everyday spaces of the city, drawing upon ideas of memory as a fluid and dynamic process that is under constant negotiation. It is increasingly argued... Read More about Walking and talking : topographies of memory in Kingston-upon-Hull.

Reconstituting troublesome youth in Newcastle upon Tyne : theorising exclusion in the night-time economy (2009)
Hesslewood, A. Reconstituting troublesome youth in Newcastle upon Tyne : theorising exclusion in the night-time economy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Following economic stagnation and deindustrialisation in 1970s and 1980s Britain, the shift toward neoliberalism and entrepreneurial urbanism has had profound effects on the ways in which cities are experienced by different socio-cultural groups. As... Read More about Reconstituting troublesome youth in Newcastle upon Tyne : theorising exclusion in the night-time economy.

Feeling nature: naturism, camping, environment and the body in Britain, 1920-1960 (2003)
Morris, N. J. Feeling nature: naturism, camping, environment and the body in Britain, 1920-1960. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis considers the interaction of human beings with the natural environment. In particular, it addresses the ways that naturists and light-weight campers encountered, understood and reflected upon the spaces, places and environments around the... Read More about Feeling nature: naturism, camping, environment and the body in Britain, 1920-1960.