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All Outputs (4)

Dealing with feelings : perspectives on the emotional labor of school leadership (2013)
Downes, P. H. Dealing with feelings : perspectives on the emotional labor of school leadership. (Thesis). University of Hull.

People are central to the institution of schools. Where there are people, there are emotions. Managing these emotions for wage is the work of school leaders. Recognizing the emotional demand involved in monitoring, managing and understanding this dem... Read More about Dealing with feelings : perspectives on the emotional labor of school leadership.

The added-value of non-nurse lecturers teaching on nursing programmes (2010)
Dickinson, J. The added-value of non-nurse lecturers teaching on nursing programmes. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis investigated the added-value of non-nurse lecturers teaching on nursing programmes. In doing this it attempted to answer the following research questions:

• To what extent is the contribution of non-nurse lecturers defined in both theor... Read More about The added-value of non-nurse lecturers teaching on nursing programmes.

Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education (2010)
Loke, J. C. F. Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Aim: This study was to evaluate the existing practices of post-qualifying interprofessional learning (IPL) in asynchronous computer mediated conferencing (ACMC). It was underpinned by my desire as a nurse educator to challenge the established assumpt... Read More about Critical discourse analysis of interprofessional online learning experience of healthcare professionals in asynchronous text-based computer mediated conferencing within higher education.

A search for 'creative' 'partnerships' : constructing pedagogies for artists and educators working together (2008)
Owen, R. N. Y. A search for 'creative' 'partnerships' : constructing pedagogies for artists and educators working together. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis examines what constitutes a 'creative' 'partnership' and whether theoretical frameworks and models can be articulated which produce 'creative partnerships'. The thesis derives from an ethnographic study of Fichte Nursery School and artist... Read More about A search for 'creative' 'partnerships' : constructing pedagogies for artists and educators working together.