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All Outputs (4)

Particle-stabilised foams and foam films (2009)
Braz, D. A. Particle-stabilised foams and foam films. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis aimed to investigate and understand the properties of foams and foam liquid films stabilised by colloidal solid particles, in the absence of any surface active substances, e.g. surfactants. Foams occur as end products or during the proces... Read More about Particle-stabilised foams and foam films.

Evaporation of liquids from structured and non-structured mixtures (2004)
Beverley, K. J. Evaporation of liquids from structured and non-structured mixtures. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The work presented in this thesis describes the evaporation rates of a wide variety of samples obtained under a controlled gas flow using a gravimetric technique. Evaporation rates for pure liquids with vapour pressures ranging from 0.1 to 500 Torr,... Read More about Evaporation of liquids from structured and non-structured mixtures.

Evaporation rates from emulsions stabilised by surfactants and nanoparticles (2003)
Askargorta, I. A. Evaporation rates from emulsions stabilised by surfactants and nanoparticles. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis is concerned with the evaporation rates of emulsions stabilised by either surfactant molecules or nm-size solid particles. Understanding of the mechanisms of the evaporation process plus the control of the rate limiting step of each mecha... Read More about Evaporation rates from emulsions stabilised by surfactants and nanoparticles.