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All Outputs (43)

Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Naylor, M., Doherty, G., Draper, H., Fletcher, D. M., Rigby, A., Adedipe, T., & Guinn, B. A. (2024). Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(21), Article 11664.

Ovarian torsion (OT) is a rare gynaecological emergency that requires a prompt diagnosis for optimal patient management. To determine whether there were any biomarkers suitable for the non-invasive detection of OT, two independent reviewers performed... Read More about Are There Non-Invasive Biomarker(s) That Would Facilitate the Detection of Ovarian Torsion? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gonzalez-Arnal, S., & Marakhovska, N. (2024, June). Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia. Presented at II International Conference Political and Economic Self-Constitution: Migration, Inequalities and Discrimination., University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece

The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research (2024)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Jackson, C., Williams, R., Fernando, B., Giles, S., Barclay, J., Brotherson, L., Childs, E., Houghton, J., Khatwa, A., Mills, K., Jameson, G., Rockey, F., Rogers, S., & Souch, C. (2024). The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research. Earth Science, Systems and Society, 4, Article 10123.

There is a well-documented racial and ethnic diversity crisis in Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES) subjects in the Global North that leads to inequities in who does environmental research. The Equator project set out to increase part... Read More about The Equator Project Research School and Mentoring Network: Evaluated Interventions to Improve Equity in Geoscience Research.

Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (2024)
Deutz, P., Vermeulen, W. J., Baumgartner, R. J., Ramos, T. B., & Raggi, A. (Eds.). (2024). Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability. Routledge.

This book addresses the realities of the circular economy, a resource efficiency concept that has risen to global prominence in academic, policy and business circles over the last decade. Considered an approach to sustainable growth, the volume criti... Read More about Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability.

Cancer screening attendance rates in transgender and gender-diverse patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Chan, A., Jamieson, C., Draper, H., O'Callaghan, S., & Guinn, B. A. (online). Cancer screening attendance rates in transgender and gender-diverse patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine,

Objectives: To examine disparities in attendance rates at cancer screening services between transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) people in comparison with their cisgender (CG) counterparts, and to determine whether these differences were based on the... Read More about Cancer screening attendance rates in transgender and gender-diverse patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Deaths at home, area-based deprivation and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of mortality data across four nations (2023)
Journal Article
Leniz, J., Davies, J. M., Bone, A. E., Hocaoglu, M., Verne, J., Barclay, S., Murtagh, F. E., Fraser, L. K., Higginson, I. J., & Sleeman, K. E. (2023). Deaths at home, area-based deprivation and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of mortality data across four nations. Palliative medicine,

Background: The number and proportion of home deaths in the UK increased during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is not known whether these changes were experienced disproportionately by people from different socioeconomic groups. Aim: To examine the associ... Read More about Deaths at home, area-based deprivation and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of mortality data across four nations.

How does green credit policy affect polluting firms' dividend policy? The China experience (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y., Liao, M., & Liu, Y. (2023). How does green credit policy affect polluting firms' dividend policy? The China experience. International review of financial analysis, 88, Article 102631.

We explore how polluting firms alter their dividend policy in response to pressure from green credit policy. The green credit guidelines that China adopted in 2012 aim to promote credit supply in sustainable development. Meanwhile, this green credit... Read More about How does green credit policy affect polluting firms' dividend policy? The China experience.

Ethnic disparities in people accessing FreeStyle Libre in the United Kingdom: Insights from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists audit (2023)
Journal Article
Deshmukh, H., Adeleke, K. A., Ssemmondo, E., Wilmot, E. G., Shah, N., Pieri, B., Gregory, R., Kilvert, A., Lumb, A., Christian, P., Barnes, D., Patmore, J., Walton, C., Ryder, R. E., & Sathyapalan, T. (2023). Ethnic disparities in people accessing FreeStyle Libre in the United Kingdom: Insights from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists audit. Diabetic medicine, 40(8), Article e15095.

Higher tax and less work: reverse “Keep up with the Joneses” and rising inequality (2023)
Journal Article
FitzRoy, F., Jin, J., & Nolan, M. (in press). Higher tax and less work: reverse “Keep up with the Joneses” and rising inequality. Journal of Economics,

To counteract excessive effort due to relative income comparison among identical agents, the literature suggests a tax response equal to the negative externality. Assuming a general income distribution, we show that an optimal tax must be higher unde... Read More about Higher tax and less work: reverse “Keep up with the Joneses” and rising inequality.

Modelling credit and investment decisions based on AI algorithmic behavioral pathways (2023)
Journal Article
Rodgers, W., Hudson, R., & Economou, F. (2023). Modelling credit and investment decisions based on AI algorithmic behavioral pathways. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 191, Article 122471.

This paper provides a new approach to understanding bankers' risk-taking behavior. We build upon prior studies that suggest artificial intelligence algorithms are an effective approach to obtaining this understanding. Our approach uses behavioral fin... Read More about Modelling credit and investment decisions based on AI algorithmic behavioral pathways.

A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study (2023)
Journal Article
Lee, A. R., Csipke, E., Yates, L., Moniz-Cook, E., McDermott, O., Taylor, S., Stephens, M., Kelleher, D., & Orrell, M. (2023). A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study. JMIR Human Factors, 10, Article e40785.

Background: Self-management, autonomy, and quality of life are key constructs in enabling people to live well with dementia. This population often becomes isolated following diagnosis, but it is important for them to feel encouraged to maintain their... Read More about A Web-Based Self-management App for Living Well With Dementia: User-Centered Development Study.

Humanitarian management strategy for interstate movement of migrant workers in India during COVID-19 pandemic: an optimization based approach (2023)
Journal Article
Mishra, N., Palit, N., & Chaudhuri, A. (2023). Humanitarian management strategy for interstate movement of migrant workers in India during COVID-19 pandemic: an optimization based approach. Annals of Operations Research,

India faced a unique situation during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic when millions of migrant workers, in different states had to be transported to their home states as workplaces shut down. The governments in respective states faced challenges of min... Read More about Humanitarian management strategy for interstate movement of migrant workers in India during COVID-19 pandemic: an optimization based approach.

Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article
Szinay, D., Forbes, C. C., Busse, H., DeSmet, A., Smit, E. S., & König, L. M. (in press). Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, Article e13542.

Mobile health interventions are promising behavior change tools. However, there is a concern that they may benefit some populations less than others and thus widen inequalities in health. This systematic review investigated differences in uptake of,... Read More about Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight-related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review.

Global economic policy Uncertainty, gross capital Inflows, and the mitigating role of Macroprudential policies (2022)
Journal Article
Andrikopoulos, A., Chen, Z., Chortareas, G., & Li, K. (2023). Global economic policy Uncertainty, gross capital Inflows, and the mitigating role of Macroprudential policies. Journal of International Money and Finance, 131, Article 102793.

We consider the effects of global economic policy uncertainty on capital inflows and the potentially mitigating effect of different macroprudential frameworks and policies on this effect. While macroprudential policies aim to maintain domestic financ... Read More about Global economic policy Uncertainty, gross capital Inflows, and the mitigating role of Macroprudential policies.

Deluge and disease: plague, the poetry of flooding, and the history of health inequalities in Andrew Marvell’s Hull (2022)
Journal Article
Mottram, S. (2023). Deluge and disease: plague, the poetry of flooding, and the history of health inequalities in Andrew Marvell’s Hull. Seventeenth Century,

This article redresses a predominant focus on London among historians of health inequalities by turning to the port town of Kingston upon Hull and offering the first demographic analysis of burial records from Hull’s ‘great plague’ of 1637–38. The ar... Read More about Deluge and disease: plague, the poetry of flooding, and the history of health inequalities in Andrew Marvell’s Hull.

Ethical Principles, Social Harm and the Economic Relations of Research: Negotiating Ethics Committee Requirements and Community Expectations in Ethnographic Research in Rural Malawi (2022)
Journal Article
Ansell, N., Mwathunga, E., Hajdu, F., Robson, E., Hlabana, T., van Blerk, L., & Hemsteede, R. (2022). Ethical Principles, Social Harm and the Economic Relations of Research: Negotiating Ethics Committee Requirements and Community Expectations in Ethnographic Research in Rural Malawi. Qualitative Inquiry,

Conventional research ethics focus on avoidance of harm to individual participants through measures to ensure informed consent. In long-term ethnographic research projects involving multiple actors, however, a wider concept of harm is needed. We appl... Read More about Ethical Principles, Social Harm and the Economic Relations of Research: Negotiating Ethics Committee Requirements and Community Expectations in Ethnographic Research in Rural Malawi.

Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing? (2022)
Journal Article
Harrison, R., Li, Y., Vigne, S. A., & Wu, Y. (2022). Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing?. International review of financial analysis, 84, Article 102352.

This study investigates bank financing to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and evaluates whether the difficulties of SMEs in accessing bank financing during a period of financial crisis are due to a reduction in the supply of credit, or to a... Read More about Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing?.

The association between socioeconomic position and the symptoms and concerns of hospital inpatients seen by specialist palliative care: Analysis of routinely collected patient data (2022)
Journal Article
Davies, J. M., Sleeman, K. E., Ramsenthaler, C., Prentice, W., Maddocks, M., & Murtagh, F. E. (2022). The association between socioeconomic position and the symptoms and concerns of hospital inpatients seen by specialist palliative care: Analysis of routinely collected patient data. Palliative medicine,

Background: Understanding how socioeconomic position influences the symptoms and concerns of patients approaching the end of life is important for planning more equitable care. Data on this relationship is lacking, particularly for patients with non-... Read More about The association between socioeconomic position and the symptoms and concerns of hospital inpatients seen by specialist palliative care: Analysis of routinely collected patient data.

The moderating effects of CEO power and personal traits on say-on-pay effectiveness: Insights from the Anglo-Saxon economies (2022)
Journal Article
Joura, E., Xiao, Q., & Ullah, S. (2022). The moderating effects of CEO power and personal traits on say-on-pay effectiveness: Insights from the Anglo-Saxon economies. International journal of finance & economics : IJFE,

This study investigates the efficacy of say-on-pay (SOP) regulation in mitigating excessive CEO compensation and how it is affected by CEO personal traits and the power distribution inside a corporation. Using IV-GMM method and a sample of 1,931 firm... Read More about The moderating effects of CEO power and personal traits on say-on-pay effectiveness: Insights from the Anglo-Saxon economies.