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Professor Ian Chetter's Outputs (177)

Changes in functional health status following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and the role of exercise-based rehabilitation: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Ravindhran, B., Lathan, R., Staniland, T., Sidapra, M., Carradice, D., Chetter, I., Smith, G., Saxton, J., & Pymer, S. (2022). Changes in functional health status following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and the role of exercise-based rehabilitation: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 2(1), 41-45.

Background and objectives: The aim of this systematic review is to explore the current evidence surrounding the changes in functional status following open or endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair and the role of postoperative exercise-... Read More about Changes in functional health status following open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and the role of exercise-based rehabilitation: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Lathan, R., Sidapra, M., Yiasemidou, M., Long, J., Totty, J., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2022). Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. npj Digital Medicine, 5(1), Article 108.

The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic catalysed integration of telemedicine worldwide. This systematic review assesses it’s accuracy for diagnosis of Surgical Site Infection (SSI). Databases were searched for telemedicine and wound infection studies. All types of... Read More about Diagnostic accuracy of telemedicine for detection of surgical site infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

A survey of surgical site infection prevention practice in UK vascular surgery (2022)
Journal Article
lathan, R., yiasemidou, M., long, J., Mohamed, A., hitchman, L., smith, G., & Chetter, I. (2022). A survey of surgical site infection prevention practice in UK vascular surgery. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 1(4), 117-123.

Background: Surgical site infections (SSI) have a significant impact on morbidity and mortality within vascular surgery. Despite the publication of several guidelines, there is a lack of consensus regarding the most effective perioperative practice t... Read More about A survey of surgical site infection prevention practice in UK vascular surgery.

Compression following treatment of superficial venous incompetence: systematic review (2022)
Journal Article
Mohamed, A. H., Thadani, S., Mohamed, S. H., Sidapra, M., Smith, G., Chetter, I., & Carradice, D. (2022). Compression following treatment of superficial venous incompetence: systematic review. British journal of surgery, 109(8), 679-685.

BACKGROUND: International guidelines recommend postprocedural compression when treating symptomatic superficial venous incompetence (SVI). This updated review of RCTs investigated the requirement for postprocedural compression and how it can be appli... Read More about Compression following treatment of superficial venous incompetence: systematic review.

Research priorities for vascular wounds: results of the Vascular Society GBI/James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Process (2022)
Journal Article
Long, J., Lathan, R., Sidapra, M., Gronlund, T., Chetter, I., & on behalf of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland Wounds Special Interest Group. (2022). Research priorities for vascular wounds: results of the Vascular Society GBI/James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Process. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 1(4), 110-116.

Background: The management of vascular wounds is often a complex and prolonged process that impacts individuals’ quality of life, is challenging for clinicians and results in a significant financial burden to the NHS. UK wound care practices vary con... Read More about Research priorities for vascular wounds: results of the Vascular Society GBI/James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Process.

Measurement of the local physiological effects of a single use topical negative pressure device in healthy volunteers– The PICO-1 Study (2022)
Journal Article
Prabakaran, P., Totty, J., Carradice, D., Chetter, I., & Smith, G. (in press). Measurement of the local physiological effects of a single use topical negative pressure device in healthy volunteers– The PICO-1 Study. Journal of Wound Care,

This study aimed to investigate the effects of a Single use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (sNPWT) device upon tissue perfusion, oxygenation and pressure, in the intact skin of healthy volunteers.

12 healthy volunteers wore a PIC... Read More about Measurement of the local physiological effects of a single use topical negative pressure device in healthy volunteers– The PICO-1 Study.

The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire has poor diagnostic accuracy in people with intermittent claudication (2022)
Journal Article
Ibeggazene, S., Cai, P. L., Smith, G. E., Ibbegazene, S., Stirrup, A., Pymer, S., Palmer, J., Cai, P., Smith, G., & Chetter, I. C. (in press). The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire has poor diagnostic accuracy in people with intermittent claudication. Vascular,

Background: The screening and diagnosis of intermittent claudication is a challenging process and often relies on the expertise of specialist vascular clinicians. We sought to investigate the diagnostic performance of the Edinburgh Claudication Quest... Read More about The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire has poor diagnostic accuracy in people with intermittent claudication.

Defining priorities in vascular access research (2022)
Journal Article
De Siqueira, J., Fielding, C., Pettigrew, G., Robson, M., Rogers, S., Steiner, K., Withers, W., Long, J., Gronlund, T., Chetter, I., & Smith, G. (2022). Defining priorities in vascular access research. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 1(2), 30-33.

Introduction: There is increasing need for renal replacement therapy associated with the aging population and dramatic increases in diabetes prevalence. Despite an increasing clinical vascular access workload, there are significant unanswered researc... Read More about Defining priorities in vascular access research.

Research priorities for patients with peripheral arterial disease: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (2022)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Harwood, A., Long, J., Chetter, I., Saratzis, A., & Coughlin, P. (2022). Research priorities for patients with peripheral arterial disease: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 1(2), 23-29.

Introduction: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common health problem associated with reduced mobility, functional capacity and quality of life. Significant research exists in the field of vascular surgery, but its relevance to the research prio... Read More about Research priorities for patients with peripheral arterial disease: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership.

Do we need a UK vascular journal? Survey of multidisciplinary UK vascular specialists (2021)
Journal Article
Long, J., Lathan, R., Sidapra, M., Chetter, I., & Nandhra, S. (2021). Do we need a UK vascular journal? Survey of multidisciplinary UK vascular specialists. Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain and Ireland, 1(1), 6-10.

Background: Prior to the development of the Journal of Vascular Societies Great Britain & Ireland (JVSGBI), there were limited opportunities for UK based vascular health professionals to publish research relevant for UK vascular practice. A survey wa... Read More about Do we need a UK vascular journal? Survey of multidisciplinary UK vascular specialists.

An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication. (2021)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Palmer, J., Tew, G., Ingle, L., Smith, G., Chetter, I., & Harwood, A. (2021). An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication. Journal of vascular surgery, 74(6), 2076-2085.e20

Objectives: Supervised exercise programmes (SEP) are effective for improving walking distance in patients with intermittent claudication (IC) but provision and uptake rates are sub-optimal. Access to such programmes has also been halted by the Corona... Read More about An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Home-based Exercise Programmes for Individuals with Intermittent Claudication..

Factors associated with delays in revascularization in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia: population-based cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Birmpili, P., Johal, A., Li, Q., Waton, S., Chetter, I., Boyle, J. R., & Cromwell, D. (2021). Factors associated with delays in revascularization in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia: population-based cohort study. British journal of surgery, 108(8), 951-959.

Background: Prompt revascularization in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI) is important, and recent guidance has suggested that patients should undergo revascularization within 5 days of an emergency admission to hospital. The ai... Read More about Factors associated with delays in revascularization in patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia: population-based cohort study.

Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) crisis on surgical training: Global survey and a proposed framework for recovery (2021)
Journal Article
Wilson, A., Van Cleynenbreugel, B., Wellbelove, Z., Sharma, D., Sultan, J., Sanchez Salas, R., Patel, B., Robinson, D. B. T., Mavor, A., Murugesan, J., Malik, A., Panagiotou, D., James, O. P., Kalifatidis, D., Lam, W., Lewis, C. M. B., Gómez Rivas, J., Ho, M., Giorga, A., Glassman, D., …Chetter, I. (2021). Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) crisis on surgical training: Global survey and a proposed framework for recovery. BJS Open, 5(2), Article zraa051.

Background: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had a profound impact on surgical services, potentially having a detrimental impact on training opportunities. The aim of this global survey was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on surgical training and... Read More about Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) crisis on surgical training: Global survey and a proposed framework for recovery.

The impact of surgical site infection on hospitalisation, treatment costs, and health-related quality of life after vascular surgery (2020)
Journal Article
Totty, J., Moss, J. W. E., Barker, E., Mealing, S., Posnett, J., Chetter, I. C., & Smith, G. E. (in press). The impact of surgical site infection on hospitalisation, treatment costs, and health-related quality of life after vascular surgery. International wound journal,

Surgical site infections (SSI) substantially increase costs for healthcare providers because of additional treatments and extended patient recovery. The objective of this study was to assess the cost and health‐related quality of life impact of SSI,... Read More about The impact of surgical site infection on hospitalisation, treatment costs, and health-related quality of life after vascular surgery.

Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication (2020)
Journal Article
Pymer, S., Ibeggazene, S., Palmer, J., Smith, G. E., Carroll, S., Ingle, L., Harwood, A., & Chetter, I. C. (2021). Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 41(3), 188-193.

Considering the Feasibility, Tolerability and Safety of High-Intensity Interval Training as a Novel Treatment for Patients with Intermittent Claudication.

Structured Abstract
Purpose: This study assessed the feasibility, tolerability, safety and... Read More about Considering the feasibility, tolerability and safety of high intensity interval training as a novel treatment for patients with intermittent claudication.

Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners (2020)
Journal Article
Harwood, A., Pymer, S., Ingle, L., Doherty, P., Chetter, I. C., Parmenter, B., Askew, C., & Tew, G. (2020). Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 6(1), Article e000897.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is caused by atherosclerotic narrowing of the arteries supplying the lower limbs often resulting in intermittent claudication, evident as pain or cramping while walking. Supervised exercise training elicits clinically... Read More about Exercise training for intermittent claudication: A narrative review and summary of guidelines for practitioners.

Long-term Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Early Endovenous Ablation in Venous Ulceration: A Randomized Clinical Trial (2020)
Journal Article
Gohel, M. S., Mora, MSc, J., Szigeti, M., Epstein, D. M., Heatley, F., Bradbury, A., Bulbulia, R., Cullum, N., Nyamekye, I., Poskitt, K. R., Renton, S., Warwick, J., & Davies, A. H. (in press). Long-term Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Early Endovenous Ablation in Venous Ulceration: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surgery,

Importance One-year outcomes from the Early Venous Reflux Ablation (EVRA) randomized trial showed accelerated venous leg ulcer healing and greater ulcer-free time for participants who are treated with early endovenous ablation of lower extremity sup... Read More about Long-term Clinical and Cost-effectiveness of Early Endovenous Ablation in Venous Ulceration: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease. (2020)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G. E., Elizabeth Harwood, A., Ingle, L., Huang, C., & Chetter, I. C. (2020). Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Article CD013407.

Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a type of cardiovascular disease where the blood vessels that carry the blood to the legs are hardened and narrowed. The most severe manifestation of PAD is critical limb ischaemia (CLI). Th... Read More about Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease..

Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review) (2020)
Journal Article
Palmer, J., Pymer, S., Smith, G. E., Harwood, A., Ingle, L., Huang, C., & Chetter, I. C. (2020). Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review). The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2020(9), Article CD013407.

Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Background: Lower limb peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a type of cardiovascular disease where the blood vessels that carry the blood to the legs are hardened and... Read More about Presurgery exercise-based conditioning interventions (prehabilitation) in adults undergoing lower limb surgery for peripheral arterial disease (Review).