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A 12-month continuous and intermittent high-impact exercise intervention and its effects on bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women: A feasibility randomized controlled trial (2020)
Journal Article
Montgomery, G. . J. H., Abt, G., Dobson, C. A., Evans, W. J., Aye, M., & Ditroilo, M. (2020). A 12-month continuous and intermittent high-impact exercise intervention and its effects on bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women: A feasibility randomized controlled trial. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 60(5), 770-778.

BACKGROUND: Intermittent mechanical loading generates greater bone adaptations than continuous mechanical loading in rodents but has never been evaluated in humans. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a continuous and intermittent counter... Read More about A 12-month continuous and intermittent high-impact exercise intervention and its effects on bone mineral density in early postmenopausal women: A feasibility randomized controlled trial.

The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women (2018)
Journal Article
Montgomery, G., Abt, G., Dobson, C., Smith, T., Evans, W., & Ditroilo, M. (2019). The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 44, 124-131.

High impact exercise can reduce postmenopausal bone loss, however stimulus frequency (loading cycles per second) can affect osteogenesis. We aimed to examine the effect of stimulus frequency on the mechanical loading of four common osteoporosis preve... Read More about The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women.

Tibial impacts and muscle activation during walking, jogging and running when performed overground, and on motorised and non-motorised treadmills (2016)
Journal Article
Montgomery, G., Abt, G., Dobson, C., Smith, T., & Ditroilo, M. (2016). Tibial impacts and muscle activation during walking, jogging and running when performed overground, and on motorised and non-motorised treadmills. Gait and Posture, 49, 120-126.

Purpose To examine tibial acceleration and muscle activation during overground (OG), motorised treadmill (MT) and non-motorised treadmill conditions (NMT) when walking, jogging and running at matched velocities. Methods An accelerometer recorded acce... Read More about Tibial impacts and muscle activation during walking, jogging and running when performed overground, and on motorised and non-motorised treadmills.