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Dr Paul Skarratt's Outputs (19)

Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice (2024)
Journal Article
Peney, T., & Skarratt, P. A. (2024). Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice. Educational Technology Research and Development,

Recent years have seen an increase in the use of immersive virtual reality (IVR) technology in education and training. Studies examining the efficacy of IVR-based interventions have shown improved performance compared to traditional training programm... Read More about Increasing the immersivity of 360° videos facilitates learning and memory: implications for theory and practice.

Computerized stimuli for studying oddity effects (2019)
Journal Article
Dobbinson, K. E., Morrell, L. J., & Skarratt, P. A. (2020). Computerized stimuli for studying oddity effects. Behavioral ecology, 31(1), 176-183.

Visually hunting predators must overcome the challenges that prey groups present. One such challenge is the confusion effect where an overburdened visual system means predators are unable to successfully target prey. A strategy to overcome confusion... Read More about Computerized stimuli for studying oddity effects.

Medium versus difficult visual search: How a quantitative change in the functional visual field leads to a qualitative difference in performance (2019)
Journal Article
Hulleman, J., Lund, K., & Skarratt, P. A. (2020). Medium versus difficult visual search: How a quantitative change in the functional visual field leads to a qualitative difference in performance. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 82(1), 118-139.

The dominant theories of visual search assume that search is a process involving comparisons of individual items against a target description that is based on the properties of the target in isolation. Here, we present four experiments that demonstra... Read More about Medium versus difficult visual search: How a quantitative change in the functional visual field leads to a qualitative difference in performance.

The role of transients in action observation (2019)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Welsh, T. N., & Skarratt, P. A. (in press). The role of transients in action observation. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics,

A large number of studies have now described the various ways in which the observation of another person’s dynamic movement can influence the speed with which the observer is able to prepare a motor action themselves. The typical results are most oft... Read More about The role of transients in action observation.

Are goal states represented during kinematic imitation? (2017)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Atkinson, M. A., D'Souza, A. D. C., Welsh, T. N., & Skarratt, P. A. (2018). Are goal states represented during kinematic imitation?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44(2), 226-242.

A number of studies have shown that observation of another person’s actions can modulate one’s own actions such as when two individuals cooperate in order to complete a joint task. However, little is known about whether or not direct matching of spec... Read More about Are goal states represented during kinematic imitation?.

Real person interaction in visual attention research (2016)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Skarratt, P. A., & Kuhn, G. (2016). Real person interaction in visual attention research. European psychologist, 21(2), 141-149.

© 2016 Hogrefe Publishing. An important development in cognitive psychology in the past decade has been the examination of visual attention during real social interaction. This contrasts traditional laboratory studies of attention, including "social... Read More about Real person interaction in visual attention research.

Action or attention in social inhibition of return? (2015)
Journal Article
Doneva, S. P., Atkinson, M. A., Skarratt, P. A., & Cole, G. G. (2017). Action or attention in social inhibition of return?. Psychological research, 81(1), 43-54.

When two individuals alternate reaching responses to targets located in a visual display, reaction times are longer when responses are directed to where the co-actor just responded. Although an abundance of work has examined the many characteristics... Read More about Action or attention in social inhibition of return?.

Peripheral cues and gaze direction jointly focus attention and inhibition of return (2015)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., & Hudson, M. (2016). Peripheral cues and gaze direction jointly focus attention and inhibition of return. Cognitive neuroscience, 7(1-4), 67-73.

Centrally presented gaze cues typically elicit a delayed inhibition of return (IOR) effect compared to peripheral exogenous cues. We investigated whether gaze cues elicit early onset IOR when presented peripherally. Faces were presented in the left o... Read More about Peripheral cues and gaze direction jointly focus attention and inhibition of return.

When your decisions are not (quite) your own: Action observation influences free choices (2015)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Wright, D., Doneva, S. P., & Skarratt, P. A. (2015). When your decisions are not (quite) your own: Action observation influences free choices. PLoS ONE, 10(5), e0127766.

A growing number of studies have begun to assess how the actions of one individual are represented in an observer. Using a variant of an action observation paradigm, four experiments examined whether one person’s behaviour can influence the subjectiv... Read More about When your decisions are not (quite) your own: Action observation influences free choices.

Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation? (2014)
Journal Article
Atkinson, M. A., Simpson, A., Skarratt, P., & Cole, G. G. (2014). Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation?. Acta Psychologica, 150, 85-93.

When two individuals alternate reaching responses to visual targets presented on a shared workspace, one individual is slower to respond to targets occupying the same position as their partner’s previous response. This phenomenon is thought to be due... Read More about Is social inhibition of return due to action co-representation?.

Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking (2014)
Journal Article
Pilling, M., Gellatly, A., Argyropoulos, Y., & Skarratt, P. (2014). Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 76(6), 1560-1576.

Object substitution masking (OSM) is used in behavioral and imaging studies to investigate processes associated with the formation of a conscious percept. Reportedly, OSM occurs only when visual attention is diffusely spread over a search display or... Read More about Exogenous spatial precuing reliably modulates object processing but not object substitution masking.

Looming motion primes the visuomotor system (2014)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., Gellatly, A. R. H., Cole, G. G., Pilling, M., & Hulleman, J. (2014). Looming motion primes the visuomotor system. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40(2), 566-579.

A wealth of evidence now shows that human and animal observers display greater sensitivity to objects that move toward them than to objects that remain static or move away. Increased sensitivity in humans is often evidenced by reaction times that inc... Read More about Looming motion primes the visuomotor system.

Visual cognition during real social interaction (2012)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P., Cole, G. G., & Kuhn, G. (2012). Visual cognition during real social interaction. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 6, 42979.

Laboratory studies of social visual cognition often simulate the critical aspects of joint attention by having participants interact with a computer-generated avatar. Recently, there has been a movement toward examining these processes during authent... Read More about Visual cognition during real social interaction.

Do action goals mediate social inhibition of return? (2011)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Skarratt, P. A., & Billing, R.-C. (2012). Do action goals mediate social inhibition of return?. Psychological research, 76(6), 736-746.

Social inhibition of return is the phenomenon whereby an individual is slower to reach to locations to which another individual has recently responded. Although this suggests that an observer represents another person's action, little is known about... Read More about Do action goals mediate social inhibition of return?.

Non-transient luminance changes do not capture attention (2011)
Journal Article
Cole, G. G., Kuhn, G., & Skarratt, P. A. (2011). Non-transient luminance changes do not capture attention. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 73(5), 1407-1421.

The processing of luminance change is a ubiquitous feature of the human visual system and provides the basis for the rapid orienting of attention to potentially important events (e.g., motion onset, object onset). However, despite its importance for... Read More about Non-transient luminance changes do not capture attention.

Social inhibition of return (2010)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., Cole, G. G., & Kingstone, A. (2010). Social inhibition of return. Acta Psychologica, 134(1), 48-54.

Responses to a target stimulus can be slower when it appears in the same rather than a different location to a previous event, an effect known as inhibition of return (IOR). Recently, it has been shown that when two people alternate responses to a ta... Read More about Social inhibition of return.

Prioritization of looming and receding objects: Equal slopes, different intercepts (2009)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., Cole, G. G., & Gellatly, A. R. (2009). Prioritization of looming and receding objects: Equal slopes, different intercepts. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 71(4), 964-970.

Franconeri and Simons (2003) reported that simulated looming objects (marked by a size increase) captured attention, whereas simulated receding objects (marked by a size decrease) did not. This finding has been challenged with the demonstration that... Read More about Prioritization of looming and receding objects: Equal slopes, different intercepts.

Evidence for word length coding during visual word recognition (2007)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., McDonald, S., & Lavidor, M. (2008). Evidence for word length coding during visual word recognition. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(1), 12-32.

In a masked priming procedure manipulating orthographic neighbourhood size, the priming word activates a number of word candidates of which the target could be one. Whether the target is one of the candidates or not determines how quickly it is recog... Read More about Evidence for word length coding during visual word recognition.

Magnetic stimulation of the left visual cortex impairs expert word recognition (2006)
Journal Article
Skarratt, P. A., & Lavidor, M. (2006). Magnetic stimulation of the left visual cortex impairs expert word recognition. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 18(10), 1749-1758.

One of the hallmarks of expert reading is the ability to identify arrays of several letters quickly and in parallel. Such length-independent reading has only been found for word stimuli appearing in the right visual hemifield (RVF). With left hemifie... Read More about Magnetic stimulation of the left visual cortex impairs expert word recognition.