Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): blue spheroids within 87 Mpc
Journal Article
Mahajan, S., Drinkwater, M. J., Driver, S., Hopkins, A. M., Graham, A. W., Brough, S., Brown, M. J. I., Holwerda, B. W., Owers, M. S., & Pimbblet, K. A. (2018). Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): blue spheroids within 87 Mpc. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 788-799.
© 2017 The Author(s). In this paper, we test if nearby blue spheroid (BSph) galaxies may become the progenitors of star-forming spiral galaxies or passively evolving elliptical galaxies. Our sample comprises 428 galaxies of various morphologies in th... Read More about Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): blue spheroids within 87 Mpc.