Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Extended intragroup light in a group at z = 0.2 from deep Hyper Suprime-Cam images
Journal Article
Pimbblet, K. A., Martínez-Lombilla, C., Brough, S., Montes, M., Baena-Gallé, R., Akhlaghi, M., Infante-Sainz, R., Driver, S. P., Holwerda, B. W., & Robotham, A. S. (2023). Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Extended intragroup light in a group at z = 0.2 from deep Hyper Suprime-Cam images. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(1), 1195-1213.
We present a pilot study to assess the potential of Hyper Suprime-Cam Public Data Release 2 (HSC-PDR2) images for the analysis of extended faint structures within groups of galaxies. We examine the intragroup light (IGL) of the group 400138 (Mdyn = 1... Read More about Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Extended intragroup light in a group at z = 0.2 from deep Hyper Suprime-Cam images.