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Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean (2015)
Journal Article
Tejada, M. L. G., Hanyu, T., Ishikawa, A., Senda, R., Suzuki, K., Fitton, G., & Williams, R. (2015). Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean. Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems G³, 16(2), 486-504.

The Louisville Seamount Chain (LSC) is, besides the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain, one of the longest-lived hotspot traces. We report here the first Re-Os isotope and platinum group element (PGE) data for Canopus, Rigil, and Burton Guyots along the chain, w... Read More about Re-Os isotope and platinum group elements of a FOcal ZOne mantle source, Louisville Seamounts Chain, Pacific ocean.