The contingencies of whiteness: Gendered/racialized global dynamics of security narratives
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2021). The contingencies of whiteness: Gendered/racialized global dynamics of security narratives. Security Dialogue, 52(1), 124-132.
Dr Catherine Baker's Outputs (94)
Peace on the Small Screen: UNPROFOR’s Television Unit in 1994–5 and the ‘Media War’ in Former Yugoslavia (2021)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (in press). Peace on the Small Screen: UNPROFOR’s Television Unit in 1994–5 and the ‘Media War’ in Former Yugoslavia. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 42(2), 344-371. early 1994 and the end of the wars in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, a team of journalists working for the United Nations peacekeeping mission in former Yugoslavia (UNPROFOR) was in charge of a unique televisual experiment–a documentary film... Read More about Peace on the Small Screen: UNPROFOR’s Television Unit in 1994–5 and the ‘Media War’ in Former Yugoslavia.
The call is coming from inside the house: researching race after Yugoslavia in ‘post-post-racial’ times (2021)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2021). The call is coming from inside the house: researching race after Yugoslavia in ‘post-post-racial’ times. In Researching Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath: Sources, Prejudices and Alternative Solutions (253-272). Springer. chapter sets efforts to research race in the (post-)Yugoslav region in the context of what Kimberlé Crenshaw has termed today’s ‘post-post-racial’ times, in which progressives who might have believed that global society was on an inevitable cour... Read More about The call is coming from inside the house: researching race after Yugoslavia in ‘post-post-racial’ times.
Bridging postcoloniality, postsocialism, and “race” in the age of Brexit: An interview with Catherine Baker (2021)
Book Chapter
Baker, C., & Koobak, R. (2021). Bridging postcoloniality, postsocialism, and “race” in the age of Brexit: An interview with Catherine Baker. In R. Koobak, M. Tlostanova, & S. Thapar-Björkert (Eds.), Postcolonial and Postsocialist Dialogues: Intersections, Opacities, Challenges in Feminist Theorizing and Practice (40-52). Taylor & Francis (Routledge)In this interview, conducted over two rounds in August 2019 and January 2020, post-Cold War historian and cultural studies scholar Catherine Baker reflects on how she situates her work within the growing literature on intersections between postcoloni... Read More about Bridging postcoloniality, postsocialism, and “race” in the age of Brexit: An interview with Catherine Baker.
Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia. 21st-Century Manifestations of an Historical Challenge: Valery Perry (ed.), Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019, 374pp., €34.90 p/b. (2021)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2021). Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia. 21st-Century Manifestations of an Historical Challenge: Valery Perry (ed.), Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019, 374pp., €34.90 p/b. Europe-Asia Studies, 73(2), 425-427.
A War of Songs. Popular Music and Recent Russia–Ukraine Relations: Arve Hansen, Andrei Rogatchevski, Yngvar Steinholt & David-Emil Wickström. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019, 247pp., €34.90 p/b. (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2020). A War of Songs. Popular Music and Recent Russia–Ukraine Relations: Arve Hansen, Andrei Rogatchevski, Yngvar Steinholt & David-Emil Wickström. Stuttgart: Ibidem Verlag, 2019, 247pp., €34.90 p/b. Europe-Asia Studies, 72(8), 1426-1427.
Music, media and culture one generation after Yugoslavia: do we still need “nostalgia”? (2020)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2020). Music, media and culture one generation after Yugoslavia: do we still need “nostalgia”?. In O. Anastasakis, A. Bennett, D. Madden, & A. Merdzanovic (Eds.), The Legacy of Yugoslavia: Politics, Economics and Society in the Modern Balkans (59-78). Bloomsbury Publishing
Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, C., Jackson, S. T., Crilley, R., Manor, I., Oshikoya, M., Joachim, J., Robinson, N., Schneiker, A., Grove, N. S., & Enloe, C. (2021). Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism. International studies review, 23(3), 1046-1071. of international relations frequently explore how states normalize the use of military force through processes of militarization, yet few have analyzed how new information and communication technologies impact on these processes. The essays... Read More about Celebrity leader personas and embodied militarism.
Yugoslav popular music and global histories of the Cold War (2020)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2020). Yugoslav popular music and global histories of the Cold War. In D. S. Beard, & L. V. Rasmussen (Eds.), Made in Yugoslavia: Studies in Popular Music (232-245). Taylor & Francis (Routledge). a process of so-called circuit listening and considering the routes, networks, and histories necessary for a song to come about, however, reveals “Colinda” as the outcome of circuits of music, migration, and colonialism, owing its existence... Read More about Yugoslav popular music and global histories of the Cold War.
'Couture military' and a queer aesthetic curiosity: music video aesthetics, militarised fashion, and the embodied politics of stardom in Rihanna’s 'Hard' (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (in press). 'Couture military' and a queer aesthetic curiosity: music video aesthetics, militarised fashion, and the embodied politics of stardom in Rihanna’s 'Hard'. Politik, 23(1), video is an underappreciated type of audiovisual artefact in studies of the aesthetics of world politics, which typically privilege linear narrative storytelling and struggle to communicate how sonic and embodied practices also constitute world... Read More about 'Couture military' and a queer aesthetic curiosity: music video aesthetics, militarised fashion, and the embodied politics of stardom in Rihanna’s 'Hard'.
Introduction: Making war on bodies: Militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics (2020)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2020). Introduction: Making war on bodies: Militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics. In . C. Baker (Ed.), Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics and Embodiment in International Politics (1-30). Edinburgh University Press
The defender collection: Militarisation, historical mythology and the everyday affective politics of nationalist fashion in Croatia (2020)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2020). The defender collection: Militarisation, historical mythology and the everyday affective politics of nationalist fashion in Croatia. In C. Baker (Ed.), Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics and Embodiment in International Politics (189-212). Edinburgh University Press
Svetlana Alexievich's Soviet women veterans and the aesthetics of the disabled military body: Staring at the unwomanly face of war (2020)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2020). Svetlana Alexievich's Soviet women veterans and the aesthetics of the disabled military body: Staring at the unwomanly face of war. In C. Baker (Ed.), Making War on Bodies: Militarisation, Aesthetics and Embodiment in International Politics (74-96). Edinburgh University Press
Making war on bodies: Militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics (2020)
Baker, C. (Ed.). (2020). Making war on bodies: Militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics. Edinburgh University Press. vibrant collection of essays reveals the intimate politics of how people with a wide range of relationships to war identify with, and against, the military and its gendered and racialised norms. It synthesises three recent turns in the study of... Read More about Making war on bodies: Militarisation, aesthetics and embodiment in international politics.
Mapping the nexus of transitional justice and peacebuilding (2019)
Book Chapter
Baker, C., & Obradovic-Wochnik, J. (2019). Mapping the nexus of transitional justice and peacebuilding. In N. Lemay-Hébert (Ed.), Handbook on Intervention and Statebuilding (185-198). Edward Elgar Publishing
‘I am the voice of the past that will always be’: the Eurovision Song Contest as historical fiction (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2019). ‘I am the voice of the past that will always be’: the Eurovision Song Contest as historical fiction. Journal of historical fictions, 2(2), 102-125The Eurovision Song Contest has been called everything from ‘the Gay Olympics’ to ‘a monument to drivel’, but can it also be thought of as historical fiction – and what could that reveal about how narratives of national and European identity are reto... Read More about ‘I am the voice of the past that will always be’: the Eurovision Song Contest as historical fiction.
Croatia and the Rise of Fascism. The Youth Movement and the Ustasha during WWII: Goran Miljan (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (in press). Croatia and the Rise of Fascism. The Youth Movement and the Ustasha during WWII: Goran Miljan. Europe-Asia Studies, 71(10), 1759-1761.
"If love was a crime, we would be criminals": the Eurovision Song Contest and the queer international politics of flags (2019)
Book Chapter
Baker, C. (2019). "If love was a crime, we would be criminals": the Eurovision Song Contest and the queer international politics of flags. In J. Kalman, B. Wellings, & K. Jacotine (Eds.), Eurovisions: Identity and the international politics of the Eurovision Song Contest since 1956 (175-200). Palgrave Macmillan. uses contestations over flags at the Eurovision Song Contest to illustrate the paradox that, while Eurovision is ostensibly ‘non-political’ and prohibits ‘political’ messages and symbols, organisers, hosts, broadcasters, contestants and fans ha... Read More about "If love was a crime, we would be criminals": the Eurovision Song Contest and the queer international politics of flags.
Language intermediaries and local agency: peacebuilding, translation/interpreting and political disempowerment in 'mature' post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2019). Language intermediaries and local agency: peacebuilding, translation/interpreting and political disempowerment in 'mature' post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina. Journal of War and Culture Studies, 12(3), 236-250. peace negotiations that ended the 1992–95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina established a constitutional system of ethnic power-sharing that satisfied its signatories (the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia) enough for war to cease and provided for... Read More about Language intermediaries and local agency: peacebuilding, translation/interpreting and political disempowerment in 'mature' post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Book Review: The Last Yugoslav Generation. The Rethinking of Youth Politics and Cultures in Late Socialism (2019)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2019). Book Review: The Last Yugoslav Generation. The Rethinking of Youth Politics and Cultures in Late Socialism. Europe-Asia Studies, 71(4), 699-701.