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Profile image of Fiona Girling

Mrs Fiona Girling

Biography Lecturer in Child Nursing.

Fiona Girling is an NMC Registered Child Nurse, Specialist Public Health Nurse and Community Practice Teacher within her field who, prior to joining higher education in 2022 worked in varying roles both within the hospital setting and community with the 0-19 Public Health Nursing Team and latterly managing a vaccination centre. Fiona has significant experience in strategic leadership and management roles.

Fiona's teaching and research interests are primarily centred around public health, vaccinations, and developing numeracy competency for student nurses.

Fiona is currently working towards becoming a Fellow of Advanced HE.

Fiona's other areas of work include being an External Examiner for the University of East Anglia, BSc Nursing programme.

Fiona continues to practice in a clinical role as a Vaccinator which continues to inform her teaching, research and scholarship outputs.
Research Interests Public Health
Children's mental health
Developing numeracy competency in student nurses
Teaching and Learning BSc (Hons) Nursing (all fields)/ BSc (Hons) Nursing Adult/Learning Disability/Mental Health Apprenticeship
- Fundamentals of Professional Practice
- Promoting Health and Preventing Ill Health
- Meeting the Acute Care Needs of the Child and Young Person
- Living my Best Life: Facilitating Change to Maximise Life Opportunities for People with Learning Disabilities
- Meeting the Continuing and Critical Care Needs of the Child and Young Person
- Leading and Managing

University Certificate
- Introduction to Health and Social Care

Module Leader
- Practice 3 (child)
- Practice 4 (child)