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Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England (2017)
Lawrence, J. (2017). Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England. Manchester University Press

This interdisciplinary book examines the literary, artistic and biographical afterlives in England of the great Italian poet Torquato Tasso, from before his death in 1595 to the end of the nineteenth century. Focusing predominantly on the impact of h... Read More about Tasso's art and afterlives: the 'Gerusalemme liberata' in England.

‘Who the Devil taught thee so much Italian?’: Italian language learning and literary imitation in Early Modern England (2006)
Lawrence, J. (2006). ‘Who the Devil taught thee so much Italian?’: Italian language learning and literary imitation in Early Modern England. Manchester University Press.

This book offers a comprehensive account of the methods and practice of learning modern languages, particularly Italian, in late sixteenth and early seventeenth century England. It is the first study to suggest a fundamental connection between langua... Read More about ‘Who the Devil taught thee so much Italian?’: Italian language learning and literary imitation in Early Modern England.