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Outputs (2)

The British welfare state and its discontents (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The British welfare state and its discontents. In J. Connelly, & J. Hayward (Eds.), The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression (86-100). Palgrave Macmillan.

At the heart of British politics is the welfare state. As a political idea it is contested, and as a framework of public services and entitlements it is complex. Friedrich Hayek commented upon the imprecision of the term ‘welfare state’: ‘Unlike soci... Read More about The British welfare state and its discontents.

The Left and Englishness (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The Left and Englishness. In These Englands : a conversation on national identity (137-154). Manchester University Press