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Outputs (4)

Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State (2017)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2017). Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State. In R. E. Backhouse, B. W. Bateman, T. Nishizawa, & D. Plehwe (Eds.), Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists & arguments for the Welfare State (118-130). Oxford University Press.

This chapter argues that the New Labour governments (1997–2010) were not a political project wholly based on neoliberal assumptions, as the “majority view” in the scholarship asserts. In the area of welfare policy New Labour adopted a modified social... Read More about Neoliberalism, New Labour and the Welfare State.

Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse (2017)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2017). Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse. In C. Berry, & A. Giovannini (Eds.), Developing England's North: The Political Economy of The Northern Powerhouse (59-83). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter argues that the political economy of England’s ‘Northern Powerhouse’ cannot be understood in isolation from that of its ‘Southern Powerhouse’ neighbour. The UK’s relative decline, especially manufacturing in the North, is frequently allo... Read More about Law, Legislation and Rent-Seeking: The Role of The Treasury-Led Developmental State in the Competitive Advantage of the Southern Powerhouse.

Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016 (2017)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2017). Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016. In S. McBride, & B. M. Evans (Eds.), The Austerity State (123-143). University of Toronto Press

The fall-out from the economic and financial crisis of 2008 had profound implications for countries across the world, leading different states to determine the best approach to mitigating its effects. In The Austerity State, a group of established an... Read More about Expansionary Fiscal Consolidation and the "Smarter State': An Evaluation of the Politics of Austerity in the United Kingdom, May 2010 to February 2016.