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The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government (2015)
Beech, M., & Lee, S. (2015). M. Beech, & S. Lee (Eds.). The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book offers a unique full term analysis of the Cameron-Clegg Government. From austerity to gay marriage, the Scottish referendum to combating IS, it brings together expert academic voices to provide rigorous yet readable insights on the key area... Read More about The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government.

Humanitarian intervention and foreign policy in the Conservative-led coalition (2013)
Journal Article
Beech, M., & Oliver, T. (2014). Humanitarian intervention and foreign policy in the Conservative-led coalition. Parliamentary affairs, 67(1), 102-118.

This paper examines the role of humanitarian intervention as a tool of foreign policy in the Conservative-led Coalition. The first section of the paper provides historical context and assesses the traditional approaches to humanitarian intervention a... Read More about Humanitarian intervention and foreign policy in the Conservative-led coalition.

The British welfare state and its discontents (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The British welfare state and its discontents. In J. Connelly, & J. Hayward (Eds.), The Withering of the Welfare State: Regression (86-100). Palgrave Macmillan.

At the heart of British politics is the welfare state. As a political idea it is contested, and as a framework of public services and entitlements it is complex. Friedrich Hayek commented upon the imprecision of the term ‘welfare state’: ‘Unlike soci... Read More about The British welfare state and its discontents.

The Left and Englishness (2012)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2012). The Left and Englishness. In These Englands : a conversation on national identity (137-154). Manchester University Press

A social democratic narrative of British democracy (2011)
Journal Article
Beech, M. (2012). A social democratic narrative of British democracy. Policy studies : the journal of the Policy Studies Institute, 33(2), 133-144.

This article argues that social democracy as a political ideology has much to contribute to a narrative of British democracy. Democracy is the central tenet of social democracy and this distinguishes it from Marxist socialism. However, despite the La... Read More about A social democratic narrative of British democracy.

A tale of two liberalisms (2011)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2011). A tale of two liberalisms. In S. Lee, & M. Beech (Eds.), The Cameron-Clegg Government: Coalition Politics in an Age of Austerity (267-279). Palgrave Macmillan.

The Conservative-Liberal Government represents a new period in British politics. The Coalition brought to an end 13 years of New Labour rule and reintroduced the idea of inter-party cooperation in government. The United Kingdom has not experienced su... Read More about A tale of two liberalisms.

Cameron and Conservative Ideology (2009)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2009). Cameron and Conservative Ideology. In The Conservatives under David Cameron: Built to Last? (18 - 30). Palgrave Macmillan

A puzzle of ideas and policy: Gordon Brown as prime minister (2009)
Journal Article
Beech, M. (2009). A puzzle of ideas and policy: Gordon Brown as prime minister. Policy studies : the journal of the Policy Studies Institute, 30(1), 5-16.

This article argues that Gordon Brown as prime minister is a puzzle of ideas and policy. This observation is most notably supported by his failure to espouse an ideological narrative for his government. Brown the intellectually literate Labour leader... Read More about A puzzle of ideas and policy: Gordon Brown as prime minister.

Ten Years of New Labour (2008)
Beech, M., & Lee, S. (2008). Ten Years of New Labour. Palgrave Macmillan

Drawing upon the expertise of a team of established researchers, Ten Years of New Labour provides a detailed and comprehensive evaluation of the ideas, institutions and policies that shaped the Blair Governments' decade in office. The reader is provi... Read More about Ten Years of New Labour.

Introductory Preface (2008)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2008). Introductory Preface. In Ten Years of New Labour (xix - xxiv). Palgrave Macmillan

New Labour and the Politics of Dominance (2008)
Book Chapter
Beech, M. (2008). New Labour and the Politics of Dominance. In M. Beech, & S. Lee (Eds.), Ten Years of New Labour (1-16). Palgrave Macmillan.

In attempting to survey New Labour’s period in office one aspect appears to stand out. New Labour’s politics has been and continues to be the politics of dominance. As a government they have set the tone for political discourse and have been the vict... Read More about New Labour and the Politics of Dominance.

Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations (2007)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2007). Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations. In P. Towle, & . N. M. Kosuge (Eds.), Britain and Japan in The Twentieth Century: One Hundred Years of Trade and Prejudice (138-151). Bloomsbury Publishing

After the horrors of World War II in Asia - not least the systematic appalling mistreatment of Allied prisoners-of-war by the Japanese military - few would have predicted that Britain's relationship with Japan would flourish into a booming partnershi... Read More about Bilateral Stability, Global Instability: The Political Economy of Contemporary Anglo-Japanese Economic Relations.