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British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929 (2024)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (online). British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929. Journal of political ideologies,

This article contributes to the scholarship on Giuseppe Mazzini’s impact on British radicalism, through an analysis of British idealist engagements with his life and writings between 1858 and 1929. Section one introduces the topic. Section two sketch... Read More about British idealist engagements with Mazzinianism, 1858 to 1929.

Edward Caird Miscellenea (2024)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2024). Edward Caird Miscellenea. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, 29(1), 117-145

Critical edition: Collated, transcribed and introduced by Colin Tyler

1. Edward Caird, Review of Dr. Zeller, History of German Philosophy; The Academy (15 May 1873)
2. Edward Caird: Lecture on “The Relation of Culture to Knowledge” (4... Read More about Edward Caird Miscellenea.

“Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’” (2022)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2022). “Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’”. Cosmos+Taxis, 10(7-8), 62-71

What sort of activity should Politics academics aim to inculcate in their students? Only truth-seeking, logical thinking, and the ability to scrutinize evidence for themselves? Or also the will and ability to perform supposedly beneficial extra-acade... Read More about “Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’”.

Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism (2022)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2022). Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism. History of European ideas, 48(3), 280-295.

Benjamin Constant was a vociferous critic of the political Rousseauianism that he saw underpinning French politics in the early nineteenth-century. Yet, his hostile reaction at the political level co-existed with a far more sympathetic attitude towar... Read More about Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism.

“All history is the history of thought”: competing British idealist historiographies (2020)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2020). “All history is the history of thought”: competing British idealist historiographies. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 28(3), 573-593.

Along with utilitarianism, British idealism was the most important philosophical and practical movement in Britain and its Empire during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Even though the British idealists have regained some of their... Read More about “All history is the history of thought”: competing British idealist historiographies.

The ‘dialectical’ theory of conservatism (2020)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2020). The ‘dialectical’ theory of conservatism. Journal of political ideologies, 25(2), 197-211.

Recently, James Alexander has proposed a ‘dialectical definition’ of conservatism which, he believes, goes beyond ‘dispositional’ definitions, such as those proposed by Brennan and Hamlin, and by Martin Beckstein, which are ‘incomplete’.1 Alexander a... Read More about The ‘dialectical’ theory of conservatism.

R. G. Collingwood's overlapping ideas of history (2020)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2021). R. G. Collingwood's overlapping ideas of history. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 1-21.

Does R. G. Collingwood's theory that concepts in philosophy are organized as “scales of forms” apply to his own work on the nature of history? Or is there some inconsistency between Collingwood's work as a philosopher of history and as a theorist of... Read More about R. G. Collingwood's overlapping ideas of history.

Brexit: hatred, lies and UK democracy (2019)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2019). Brexit: hatred, lies and UK democracy. Dialogi Polityczne = Political Dialogues, 27(27), 63-82.

The article analyses the progress of the Brexit debate in the UK from the time that David Cameron announced in 2013 his intention to hold a referendum on the UK’s membership of the UK up until the calling of the 2019 UK General Election. It considers... Read More about Brexit: hatred, lies and UK democracy.

Collingwood's New Leviathan and classical elite theory (2019)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2019). Collingwood's New Leviathan and classical elite theory. History of European ideas, 45(7), 1029-1044.

R. G. Collingwood's New Leviathan (1942) presents an account of two ‘dialectical’ political processes that are ongoing in any body politic. Existing scholarship has already covered the first: a dialectic between a ‘social’ and a ‘non-social’ element,... Read More about Collingwood's New Leviathan and classical elite theory.

‘God, man, and nature’: Neo-Aristotelian naturalism in T.H. Green’s faith and philosophy (2019)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2019). ‘God, man, and nature’: Neo-Aristotelian naturalism in T.H. Green’s faith and philosophy. Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, 25(1), 45-73

Establishing Thomas Hill Green’s naturalism and the philosophical redundancy of his religious beliefs is profoundly important when understanding his philosophy and, by extension, when understanding British idealism as a philosophical movement. This a... Read More about ‘God, man, and nature’: Neo-Aristotelian naturalism in T.H. Green’s faith and philosophy.

F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2018). F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history. Philosophical Enquiries. Revue des philosophies anglophones, 97-116

This paper considers F. H. Bradley’s The Presuppositions of Critical History as a foundational document in philosophy of history, and its origin in debates in church history triggered by claims that biblical stories should be subject to the constrain... Read More about F.H. Bradley and secular and religious debates in the philosophy of history.

The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan (2018)
Journal Article
Connelly, J., & Johnson, P. (2019). The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27(1), 114-133.

Collingwood's The New Leviathan is a difficult text. It comprises philosophy, political theory, political opinion and history in what is sometimes an uneasy amalgam. Despite its being the culmination of thirty years of work in ethics and political th... Read More about The composition of R. G. Collingwood's The New Leviathan.

Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists (2018)
Journal Article
Tyler, C., & Connelly, J. (2018). Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26(4), 643-659.

This article surveys and contextualizes the British idealists' philosophical writings on language, aesthetics and emotions, starting with T.H. Green and concluding with Michael Oakeshott. It highlights ways in which their philosophical insights have... Read More about Language, aesthetics and emotions in the work of the British idealists.

Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato (2018)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2018). Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 100(1), 76-105.

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH. All rights reserved. This article counters the dominant misinterpretations of the British idealists' readings of Plato, thereby fundamentally undermining the current historiography of Plato's modern reception in the Eng... Read More about Forms, dialectics and the healthy community: the British idealists' receptions of Plato.

"Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history (2017)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2017). "Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 11(3), 408-424.

© koninklijke brill nv, leiden, 2017. R. G. Collingwood's declaration that belief in "eternal questions" in philosophy is "merely a vulgar error, consequent on a kind of historical myopia which, deceived by superficial resemblances, failed to detect... Read More about "Was he right?" R. G. Collingwood's rapprochement between philosophy and history.

J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain (2017)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2017). J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain. History of European ideas, 43(8), 1002-1015.

This article analyses the theory of sexuality, personality and politics developed by the literary critic John Addington Symonds (1840-93). Sections one and two introduce Symonds’ changing reputation as a modernist theorist of ‘sexual inversion’ (homo... Read More about J. A. Symonds, socialism and the crisis of sexuality in fin-de-siècle Britain.

Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief (2016)
Journal Article
Connelly, J. (2019). Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, 21(2),

This paper draws on Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, but it is neither an exposition nor a critique of that book and uses certain concepts from it as a springboard for reflections on the nature of crisis. Kuhn’s key term was par... Read More about Reasoning through Crisis: Crisis, Incommensurability and Belief.