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“Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’” (2022)
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2022). “Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’”. Cosmos+Taxis, 10(7-8), 62-71

What sort of activity should Politics academics aim to inculcate in their students? Only truth-seeking, logical thinking, and the ability to scrutinize evidence for themselves? Or also the will and ability to perform supposedly beneficial extra-acade... Read More about “Sophists in academic dress: Oakeshott’s ‘The study of “politics” in a university’”.

Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism (2022)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2022). Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism. History of European ideas, 48(3), 280-295.

Benjamin Constant was a vociferous critic of the political Rousseauianism that he saw underpinning French politics in the early nineteenth-century. Yet, his hostile reaction at the political level co-existed with a far more sympathetic attitude towar... Read More about Rethinking Constant’s Ancient Liberty: Bosanquet’s modern Rousseauianism.