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Outputs (25)

Social prescribing for people living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers: what works, for whom, under what circumstances and why – protocol for a complex intervention systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Marshall, J., Papavasiliou, E., Fox, C., Hawkes, M., Irvine, A., Moniz-Cook, E., Pick, A., Polley, M. J., Reeve, J., Robinson, L., Rook, G., Sadler, E., Wolverson, E., Walker, S., & Cross, J. L. (2024). Social prescribing for people living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers: what works, for whom, under what circumstances and why – protocol for a complex intervention systematic review. BMJ open, 14(4), Article e080551.

Dementia is a complex medical condition that poses significant challenges to healthcare systems and support services. People living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers experience complex needs often exacerbated by social isolation an... Read More about Social prescribing for people living with dementia (PLWD) and their carers: what works, for whom, under what circumstances and why – protocol for a complex intervention systematic review.

Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care (2023)
Journal Article
Quinn, C., Wolverson, E., & Mountain, G. (2023). Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4, Article 1191633.

KEYWORDS Alzheimer's disease, carer, psychosocial interventions, health serivces, community, quality of life, frailty Editorial on the Research Topic Innovations in dementia and ageing care The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how quality of life ca... Read More about Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care.

What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs? (2023)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Harrison Dening, K., Gower, Z., Brown, P., Cox, J., McGrath, V., Pepper, A., & Prichard, J. (in press). What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs?. Health Expectations,

Introduction: An admission to a mental health ward is an uncertain and unexpected part of a person’s journey with dementia and consequently, families require information about what to expect and how to prepare. This study aimed to establish the infor... Read More about What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs?.

The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT (2023)
Journal Article
Pollux, P. M., Surr, C., Cohen, J., Huang, C., Wolverson, E., Mountain, P., Turner, R., Hawkesford-Webb, E., Winter, B., & Hudson, J. M. (2023). The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(1), Article 34.

Background: Cognitive problems associated with dementia affect a large proportion of older adults living in residential care. Knowledge of cognitive impairments is important for providing person-centred care (PCC). The impact of specific cognitive im... Read More about The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT.

Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. (2023)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Harrison Dening, K., Dunning, R., Crowther, G., Russell, G., & Underwood, B. (2023). Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, Article 1093894.

Introduction: This study investigates family carers experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. A mental health inpatient admission for a person with dementia is usually considered when a person is distressed and this distre... Read More about Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia..

Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review (2022)
Journal Article
Bennett, J., Wolverson, E., & Price, L. (2022). Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review. Dementia,

Objective: Depsite the growing awareness of the importance of engagement with the natural world for people living with dementia, little is known about the impact specifically for people living independently in their own home. This review identifies,... Read More about Me, myself, and nature: living with dementia and connecting with the natural world – more than a breath of fresh air? A literature review.

The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., White, C., Dunn, R., Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Paulson, K., Platt, R., & Thorpe, J. (2022). The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs. Dementia, 21(1), 94-113.

Background: Current policy emphasises the role of digital technologies in facilitating the management of long-term conditions. While digital resources have been developed for carers, there has been little attention to their development for people wit... Read More about The use of a bespoke website developed for people with dementia and carers: Users’ experiences, perceptions and support needs.

The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia (2021)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Moniz-Cook, E., Dunn, R., Gove, D., & Diaz-Ponce, A. (2021). The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia. Journal of advanced nursing, 77(4), 1992-2001.

Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the opinions of people with dementia, about the language used to describe changes in behaviour associated with dementia. Design: This study adopted a human rights approach in a mixed methods convergent paral... Read More about The language of behaviour changes in dementia: A mixed methods survey exploring the perspectives of people with dementia.

Understanding the shared experiences of creating a digital life story with individuals with dementia and their spouse (2020)
Journal Article
Sweeney, L., Wolverson, E., & Clarke, C. (2021). Understanding the shared experiences of creating a digital life story with individuals with dementia and their spouse. Dementia, 20(5), 1791–1813.

Life story books in dementia are used as a part of person-centred care. Whilst the current literature demonstrates associations between completing life story books and increased well-being, little is known about the process and how it i... Read More about Understanding the shared experiences of creating a digital life story with individuals with dementia and their spouse.

The views of carers, people living with dementia and healthcare practitioners about the value of online information and peer support (2020)
Journal Article
White, C., Wolverson, E., Dunn, R., & Zafeiridi, E. (2020). The views of carers, people living with dementia and healthcare practitioners about the value of online information and peer support. International Journal of Care and Caring, 4(4), 549-571.

© Policy Press 2020. This article reports on research into the development of a website (Caregiverspro-MMD) intended for carers and people living with dementia. Carers, people living with dementia and healthcare practitioners were invited to explore... Read More about The views of carers, people living with dementia and healthcare practitioners about the value of online information and peer support.

Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review (2020)
Journal Article
Clarke, C., Woods, B., Moniz-Cook, E., Mountain, G., Øksnebjerg, L., Chattat, R., Diaz, A., Gove, D., Vernooij-Dassen, M., & Wolverson, E. (in press). Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review. Health and quality of life outcomes, 18(1), Article 249.

Background: Enabling people with dementia to ‘live well’ is a policy and research priority in many countries. However, instruments for measuring outcomes of psychosocial interventions designed to promote well-being in dementia are often derived from... Read More about Measuring the well-being of people with dementia : a conceptual scoping review.

The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data (2020)
Journal Article
Laura, S., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (in press). The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data. Dementia, 20(4), 1470–1495.

Everyday technologies, such as laptops and tablets, are often used for enjoyment, pleasure, leisure and social participation. Despite this, whilst considerable research has investigated exploring people’s experiences of using assistive te... Read More about The use of everyday technologies to enhance wellbeing and enjoyment for people living with dementia: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis grounded in qualitative data.

Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study (2020)
Journal Article
Conway, L., Wolverson, E. L., & Clarke, C. (2020). Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study. Frontiers in Medicine, 7, Article 219.

Resilience is a concept which may help explain how older people are able to live well with dementia. Existing resilience research in dementia focuses on the caregiver and relatively little is known about how dyads (person with dementia and care partn... Read More about Shared experiences of resilience amongst couples where one partner is living with dementia - a grounded theory study.

Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Buggins, S.-L., Clarke, C., & Wolverson, E. (2021). Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis. Dementia, 20(4), 1234-1249.

Dominant discourses surrounding dementia tend to focus on narratives of loss and decline. Simultaneously, individuals living with dementia are vulnerable to being dispossessed of personal narratives supportive of identity and well-being. How older pe... Read More about Resilience in older people living with dementia – A narrative analysis.

Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice) (2019)
Journal Article
Cunnah, K., Howe, D., Thorpe, J., Dunn, R., Platt, R., White, C., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2021). Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice). Dementia, 20(2), 796–806.

Little is known about the training and support people with dementia and their carers need to use digital solutions. This paper shares learning from a bespoke programme that successfully trained people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment and th... Read More about Training people with dementia/cognitive impairment and their carers in the use of web-based supportive technologies (Innovative practice).

The CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD Platform as an Online Informational and Social Support Tool for People Living With Memory Problems and Their Carers: An Evaluation of User Engagement, Usability and Usefulness (2019)
Journal Article
Howe, D., Thorpe, J., Dunn, R., White, C., Cunnah, K., Platt, R., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2019). The CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD Platform as an Online Informational and Social Support Tool for People Living With Memory Problems and Their Carers: An Evaluation of User Engagement, Usability and Usefulness. Journal of applied gerontology, 39(12), 1303-1312.

People living with dementia or cognitive impairment (PwD) and their carers often have unmet needs for informational and social support postdiagnosis. Web-based platforms have the potential to address these needs, although few have been developed for... Read More about The CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD Platform as an Online Informational and Social Support Tool for People Living With Memory Problems and Their Carers: An Evaluation of User Engagement, Usability and Usefulness.

Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives (2019)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Birtles, H., Moniz-Cook, E., James, I., Brooker, D., & Duffy, F. (2019). Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives. OBM geriatrics, 3(4), 1-19.

Background: Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia and Challenging Behaviour in dementia are just two of a variety of terms for a complex paradigm that covers the most distressing and costly aspects of the condition. The terminology used... Read More about Naming and Framing the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) Paradigm: Professional Stakeholder Perspectives.

Technology for Families of People with Dementia (2019)
Book Chapter
Wolverson, E., Dunn, R., & White, C. (2019). Technology for Families of People with Dementia. In A. Astell, S. Smith, & P. Joddrell (Eds.), Using technology in dementia care : a guide to technology solutions for everyday living (139-158). Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training (2018)
Cunnah, K., Dunn, R., Howe, D., Platt, R., Thorpe, J., Paulson, K., & Wolverson, E. (2018). Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training

This guide is for anyone who is seeking information on the introduction of technical devices to people with dementia or cognitive impairment (referred to collectively in this report as PwD) and their carers. This might include social care professiona... Read More about Improving Digital Inclusion Through Training.

Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers (2018)
Journal Article
Heap, C. . J., & Wolverson, E. (2020). Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers. Dementia, 9(6), 2018-2037.

Introduction: Societal discourses of dementia are medicalised and dehumanising. This leads to a social problem: the loss of personhood in dementia care. The communication technique Intensive Interaction, however, honours personhood. The current study... Read More about Intensive Interaction and discourses of personhood: A focus group study with dementia caregivers.