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Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care (2023)
Journal Article
Quinn, C., Wolverson, E., & Mountain, G. (2023). Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences, 4, Article 1191633.

KEYWORDS Alzheimer's disease, carer, psychosocial interventions, health serivces, community, quality of life, frailty Editorial on the Research Topic Innovations in dementia and ageing care The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how quality of life ca... Read More about Editorial: Innovations in dementia and ageing care.

What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs? (2023)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Harrison Dening, K., Gower, Z., Brown, P., Cox, J., McGrath, V., Pepper, A., & Prichard, J. (in press). What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs?. Health Expectations,

Introduction: An admission to a mental health ward is an uncertain and unexpected part of a person’s journey with dementia and consequently, families require information about what to expect and how to prepare. This study aimed to establish the infor... Read More about What are the information needs of people with dementia and their family caregivers when they are admitted to a mental health ward and do current ward patient information leaflets meet their needs?.

The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT (2023)
Journal Article
Pollux, P. M., Surr, C., Cohen, J., Huang, C., Wolverson, E., Mountain, P., Turner, R., Hawkesford-Webb, E., Winter, B., & Hudson, J. M. (2023). The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 9(1), Article 34.

Background: Cognitive problems associated with dementia affect a large proportion of older adults living in residential care. Knowledge of cognitive impairments is important for providing person-centred care (PCC). The impact of specific cognitive im... Read More about The Cognitive Daisy (COG-D) for improving care for residents with dementia in care homes: protocol of a feasibility RCT.

Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. (2023)
Journal Article
Wolverson, E., Harrison Dening, K., Dunning, R., Crowther, G., Russell, G., & Underwood, B. (2023). Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, Article 1093894.

Introduction: This study investigates family carers experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia. A mental health inpatient admission for a person with dementia is usually considered when a person is distressed and this distre... Read More about Family experiences of inpatient mental health care for people with dementia..