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Outputs (2)

The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage (2020)
Journal Article
Jones, M. E. H., Gröning, F., Aspden, R. M., Dutel, H., Sharp, A., Moazen, M., Fagan, M. J., & Evans, S. E. (2020). The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage. Vertebrate Zoology, 70(4), 699-715.

The chondrocranium is the cartilage component of the vertebrate braincase. Among jawed vertebrates it varies greatly in structure, mineralisation, and in the extent to which it is replaced by bone during development. In mammals, birds, and some bony... Read More about The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and the material properties of cartilage.

Form-function relationships in dragonfly mandibles under an evolutionary perspective (2017)
Journal Article
Blanke, A., Schmitz, H., Patera, A., Dutel, H., & Fagan, M. J. (2017). Form-function relationships in dragonfly mandibles under an evolutionary perspective. Journal of the Royal Society interface / the Royal Society, 14(128), Article 20161038.

© 2017 The Author(s). Functional requirements may constrain phenotypic diversification or foster it. For insect mouthparts, the quantification of the relationship between shape and function in an evolutionary framework remained largely unexplored. He... Read More about Form-function relationships in dragonfly mandibles under an evolutionary perspective.