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Multi-beat averaging reveals u waves are ubiquitous and standing tall at elevated heart rates following exercise (2020)
Journal Article
Al-Karadi, M. S., & Langley, P. (2020). Multi-beat averaging reveals u waves are ubiquitous and standing tall at elevated heart rates following exercise. Sensors, 20(14), 1-12.

The reporting of U wave abnormalities is clinically important, but the measurement of this small electrocardiographic (ECG) feature is extremely difficult, especially in challenging recording conditions, such as stress exercise, due to contaminating... Read More about Multi-beat averaging reveals u waves are ubiquitous and standing tall at elevated heart rates following exercise.

Validation of an algorithm to reveal the U wave in atrial fibrillation (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Karadi, M. S., Wilkinson, A. J., Caldwell, J., & Langley, P. (2018). Validation of an algorithm to reveal the U wave in atrial fibrillation. Scientific reports, 8(1), Article 11946.

Major cardiac organisations recommend U wave abnormalities should be reported during ECG interpretation. However, U waves cannot be measured in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) due to the obscuring fibrillatory wave. The aim was to validate a U... Read More about Validation of an algorithm to reveal the U wave in atrial fibrillation.

Heart sound classification from unsegmented phonocardiograms (2017)
Journal Article
Langley, P., & Murray, A. (2017). Heart sound classification from unsegmented phonocardiograms. Physiological Measurement, 38(8), 1658-1670.

Objective Most algorithms for automated analysis of phonocardiograms (PCG) require segmentation of the signal into the characteristic heart sounds. The aim was to assess the feasibility for accurate classification of heart sounds on short, unsegmente... Read More about Heart sound classification from unsegmented phonocardiograms.