Multifaceted characterization and in vitro assessment of polyurethane-based electrospun fibrous composite for bone tissue engineering
Journal Article
Mani, M. P., Jiang, H., Mani, M. P., & Jaganathan, S. K. (2019). Multifaceted characterization and in vitro assessment of polyurethane-based electrospun fibrous composite for bone tissue engineering. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 14, 8149-8159.
Introduction: Recently several new approaches were emerging in bone tissue engineering to develop a substitute for remodelling the damaged tissue. In order to resemble the native extracellular matrix (ECM) of the human tissue, the bone scaffolds must... Read More about Multifaceted characterization and in vitro assessment of polyurethane-based electrospun fibrous composite for bone tissue engineering.