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Outputs (22)

Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017 (2025)
(2025). Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017. [Data].

This dataset contains monthly/annual time series of species-specific abundances and covariates for 137 targeted larval/juvenile fish surveys at sites in a range of English lowland rivers. Larval/juvenile fish data come from two different sources: The... Read More about Larval and juvenile fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers, 1984-2017.

Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017 (2024)
Ainsworth, R., Keller, V., Bachiller- Jareno, N., Jürgens, M., Eastman, M., Sadykova, D., Rizzo, C., Scarlett, P., Peirson, G., Eley, F., Antoniou, V., Cowx, I., Johnson, A., & Nunn, A. (2024). Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017. [Data].

This dataset contains a time series of species-specific fish abundances and covariates for 1180 fish sites in English rivers. Sites with at least ten annual fish surveys in the Environment Agency’s (EA) National Fish Population Database (NFPD) betwee... Read More about Fish abundance, habitat, water quality, flow and climate data from English rivers,1975-2017.

Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation (2019)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N. V., Dodd, J. R., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Britton, J. R., & Cowx, I. G. (2019). Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation. Fisheries research, 212, 183-187.

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Telemetry investigations to gather essential information about fish migrations are reliant on the behaviour, condition and survival of the animals being unaltered by the tagging procedure. Twaite shad (Alosa fallax Lacépède; 'sha... Read More about Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation.

Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel (2018)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Murphy, L. A., Stanford, R. J., Angelopoulos, N. V., Baker, N. J., Wright, R. M., Reeds, J. D., & Cowx, I. G. (2019). Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 26(1), 76-85.

© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Downstream passage of European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) in catchments with pump(s) for water level management is a major concern. Catchment-wide acoustic telemetry revealed silver eels quickly migrated downstream thro... Read More about Direct and indirect impacts of pumping station operation on downstream migration of critically endangered European eel.

Optimising hydropower development and ecosystem services in the Kafue River, Zambia (2018)
Journal Article
Cowx, I. G., Lungu, A., & Kalonga, M. (2018). Optimising hydropower development and ecosystem services in the Kafue River, Zambia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 69(12), 1974-1982.

Fisheries are an important resource in Zambia, but are experiencing overexploitation and are under increasing pressure from external development activities that are compromising river ecosystem services and functioning. One such system is the Kafue F... Read More about Optimising hydropower development and ecosystem services in the Kafue River, Zambia.

Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass (2018)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Bolland, J. D., Hateley, J., Cowx, I. G., Walton, S. E., Cattaneo, M. E. G. V., & Noble, R. A. A. (2018). Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass. Marine and Freshwater Research, 69(12), 1822-1833.

© 2018 CSIRO. The exploitation of riverine systems for renewable energy has resulted in large numbers of small-scale hydropower schemes on low-head weirs. Although considered a clean and 'green' energy source in terms of emissions, hydropower can aff... Read More about Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass.

Small Water Bodies in Great Britain and Ireland: Ecosystem function, human-generated degradation, and options for restorative action (2018)
Journal Article
Riley, W. D., Potter, E. C., Biggs, J., Collins, A. L., Jarvie, H. P., Jones, J. I., Kelly-Quinn, M., Ormerod, S. J., Sear, D. A., Wilby, R. L., Broadmeadow, S., Brown, C. D., Chanin, P., Copp, G. H., Cowx, I. G., Grogan, A., Hornby, D. D., Huggett, D., Kelly, M. G., Naura, M., …Siriwardena, G. M. (2018). Small Water Bodies in Great Britain and Ireland: Ecosystem function, human-generated degradation, and options for restorative action. Science of the Total Environment, 645, 1598-1616.

© 2018 Small, 1st and 2nd-order, headwater streams and ponds play essential roles in providing natural flood control, trapping sediments and contaminants, retaining nutrients, and maintaining biological diversity, which extend into downstream reaches... Read More about Small Water Bodies in Great Britain and Ireland: Ecosystem function, human-generated degradation, and options for restorative action.

Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river (2018)
Journal Article
Angelopoulos, N. V., Harvey, J. P., Bolland, J. D., Nunn, A. D., Noble, R. A., Smith, M. A., Taylor, M. J., Masters, J. E., Moxon, J., & Cowx, I. G. (2018). Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river. Journal of environmental management, 224, 69-76.

Flood Risk Management (FRM) is often essential to reduce the risk of flooding to properties and infrastructure in urban landscapes, but typically degrades the habitats required by many aquatic animals for foraging, refuge and reproduction. This confl... Read More about Overcoming the dichotomy of implementing societal flood risk management while conserving instream fish habitat – A long-term study from a highly modified urban river.

Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir (2018)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Cowx, I. G., & Bolland, J. D. (2018). Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir. Ecological engineering, 120(September 2018), 68-75.

The number of low-head barriers to fish migration far outweighs the number of large magnitude barriers and thus the cumulative negative impact on fish communities could also be far greater. Removal of man-made obstructions to fish migration is the mo... Read More about Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir.

Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data (2018)
Journal Article
Brewster, L. R., Dale, J. J., Guttridge, T. L., Gruber, S. H., Hansell, A. C., Elliott, M., Cowx, I. G., Whitney, N. M., & Gleiss, A. C. (2018). Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data. Marine Biology, 165(4), Article 62.

© 2018, The Author(s). Discerning behaviours of free-ranging animals allows for quantification of their activity budget, providing important insight into ecology. Over recent years, accelerometers have been used to unveil the cryptic lives of animals... Read More about Development and application of a machine learning algorithm for classification of elasmobranch behaviour from accelerometry data.

Inland fisheries – Invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030 (2017)
Journal Article
Lynch, A., Cowx, I., Fluet-Chouinard, E., Glaser, S., Phang, S., Beard, T., Bower, S., Brooks, J., Bunnell, D., Claussen, J., Cooke, S., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Myers, B., Reid, A., Taylor, J., & Youn, S. (2017). Inland fisheries – Invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030. Global environmental change : human and policy dimensions, 47, 167-173.

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd The United Nations’ (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development defines the formidable challenge of integrating historically separate economic, social, and environmental goals into a unified ‘plan of action for people, planet, an... Read More about Inland fisheries – Invisible but integral to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda for ending poverty by 2030.

Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout (2017)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Cowx, I. G., & Bolland, J. D. (2017). Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout. Journal of environmental management, 204(1), 318-326.

Man-made, physical barriers have disrupted longitudinal connectivity for migratory fish in many river systems throughout the world for centuries. These barriers are considered to be a key reason for the decline of many fish species in river systems.... Read More about Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout.

Integrated planning framework for successful river restoration projects: upscaling lessons learnt from European case studies (2017)
Journal Article
Angelopoulos, N. V., Cowx, I. G., & Buijse, A. D. (2017). Integrated planning framework for successful river restoration projects: upscaling lessons learnt from European case studies. Environmental science & policy, 76, 12-22.

Despite considerable investment in river restoration projects, there is still limited information on the efficacy and success of river restoration activities. One of the main reasons is poor or improper project design, resulting in common problems su... Read More about Integrated planning framework for successful river restoration projects: upscaling lessons learnt from European case studies.

Socio-economic drivers of specialist anglers targeting the non-native European catfish (Silurus glanis) in the UK (2017)
Journal Article
Rees, E. M. A., Edmonds-Brown, V. R., Alam, M. F., Wright, R. M., Britton, J. R., Davies, G. D., & Cowx, I. G. (2017). Socio-economic drivers of specialist anglers targeting the non-native European catfish (Silurus glanis) in the UK. PLoS ONE, 12(6), e0178805.

© 2017 Rees et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credi... Read More about Socio-economic drivers of specialist anglers targeting the non-native European catfish (Silurus glanis) in the UK.

The effects of population density and lake characteristics on growth and size structure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) in boreal forest lakes in Canada (2017)
Journal Article
van Zyll de Jong, M., Adams, B., Cote, D., & Cowx, I. (2017). The effects of population density and lake characteristics on growth and size structure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) in boreal forest lakes in Canada. Zeitschrift für angewandte Ichthyologie = Journal of applied ichthyology, 33(5), 957-965.

© 2017 Blackwell Verlag GmbH This paper examines the effect of lake characteristics on population density and how this variation affects growth, mortality and population size structure of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. The study was conducted on... Read More about The effects of population density and lake characteristics on growth and size structure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) in boreal forest lakes in Canada.

Designing a global assessment of climate change on inland fishes and fisheries: knowns and needs (2017)
Journal Article
Paukert, C. P., Lynch, A. J., Beard, T. D., Chen, Y., Cooke, S. J., Cooperman, M. S., Cowx, I. G., Ibengwe, L., Infante, D. M., Myers, B. J. E., Nguyễn, H. P., & Winfield, I. J. (2017). Designing a global assessment of climate change on inland fishes and fisheries: knowns and needs. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 27(2), 393-409.

© 2017, Springer International Publishing Switzerland (outside the USA). To date, there are few comprehensive assessments of how climate change affects inland finfish, fisheries, and aquaculture at a global scale, but one is necessary to identify res... Read More about Designing a global assessment of climate change on inland fishes and fisheries: knowns and needs.

Demography of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoete populations in relation to potential spawning-migration obstructions (2017)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Taylor, R. J., Cowx, I. G., Noble, R. A. A., Bolland, J. D., & Harvey, J. P. (2017). Demography of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoete populations in relation to potential spawning-migration obstructions. Aquatic conservation : marine and freshwater ecosystems, 27(4), 764-772.

Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Recent advances in the understanding of lamprey migrations have led to concerns over the impacts of obstructions on the demography of many species. This study investigated sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) la... Read More about Demography of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoete populations in relation to potential spawning-migration obstructions.

Grand Challenges in the Management and Conservation of North American Inland Fishes and Fisheries (2017)
Journal Article
Lynch, A. J., Cooke, S. J., Beard, T. D., Kao, Y.-C., Lorenzen, K., Song, A. M., Allen, M. S., Basher, Z., Bunnell, D. B., Camp, E. V., Cowx, I. G., Freedman, J. A., Nguyen, V. M., Nohner, J. K., Rogers, M. W., Siders, Z. A., Taylor, W. W., & Youn, S.-J. (2017). Grand Challenges in the Management and Conservation of North American Inland Fishes and Fisheries. Fisheries, 42(2), 115-124.

Even with long-standing management and extensive science support, North American inland fish and fisheries still face many conservation and management challenges. We used a grand challenges approach to identify critical roadblocks that if removed wou... Read More about Grand Challenges in the Management and Conservation of North American Inland Fishes and Fisheries.

Motivations of recreational fishers involved in fish habitat management (2017)
Journal Article
Copeland, C., Baker, E., Koehn, J. D., Morris, S. G., & Cowx, I. G. (2017). Motivations of recreational fishers involved in fish habitat management. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 24(1), 82-92.

© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd This study profiled the motivations of recreational fishers involved in habitat management activities in Australia, USA, UK and Ireland. Fishers were surveyed using an online questionnaire. Primary motivations for invol... Read More about Motivations of recreational fishers involved in fish habitat management.

Linking environmental flows to sediment dynamics (2016)
Journal Article
De Jalón, D. G., Bussettini, M., Rinaldi, M., Grant, G., Friberg, N., Cowx, I. G., Magdaleno, F., & Buijse, T. (2017). Linking environmental flows to sediment dynamics. Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, 19(2), 358-375.

© 2017 The Authors. This is a policy discussion paper aimed at addressing possible alternative approaches for environmental flows (e- Flows) assessment and identification within the context of best strategies for fluvial restoration. We focus on damm... Read More about Linking environmental flows to sediment dynamics.