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Outputs (5)

Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries (2024)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Noble, R. A., Nunn, A. D., Owen, H. M., Moccetti, P., Harvey, J. P., Wallace, L., Gillespie, B., Joyce, D. A., & Bolland, J. D. (online). Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries. Journal of fish biology,

This investigation compared the spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. between reservoirs with (impact; Langsett Reservoir) and without (control; Grimwith Reservoir) barriers to fish movements into headwater tributarie... Read More about Spatial ecology and population dynamics of brown trout Salmo trutta L. in reservoirs and headwater tributaries.

Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation (2019)
Journal Article
Bolland, J. D., Nunn, A. D., Angelopoulos, N. V., Dodd, J. R., Davies, P., Gutmann Roberts, C., Britton, J. R., & Cowx, I. G. (2019). Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation. Fisheries research, 212, 183-187.

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Telemetry investigations to gather essential information about fish migrations are reliant on the behaviour, condition and survival of the animals being unaltered by the tagging procedure. Twaite shad (Alosa fallax Lacépède; 'sha... Read More about Refinement of acoustic-tagging protocol for twaite shad Alosa fallax (Lacépède), a species sensitive to handling and sedation.

Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass (2018)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Bolland, J. D., Hateley, J., Cowx, I. G., Walton, S. E., Cattaneo, M. E. G. V., & Noble, R. A. A. (2018). Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass. Marine and Freshwater Research, 69(12), 1822-1833.

© 2018 CSIRO. The exploitation of riverine systems for renewable energy has resulted in large numbers of small-scale hydropower schemes on low-head weirs. Although considered a clean and 'green' energy source in terms of emissions, hydropower can aff... Read More about Upstream passage of adult sea trout (Salmo trutta) at a low-head weir with an Archimedean screw hydropower turbine and co-located fish pass.

Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir (2018)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Cowx, I. G., & Bolland, J. D. (2018). Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir. Ecological engineering, 120(September 2018), 68-75.

The number of low-head barriers to fish migration far outweighs the number of large magnitude barriers and thus the cumulative negative impact on fish communities could also be far greater. Removal of man-made obstructions to fish migration is the mo... Read More about Win, win, win: Low cost baffle fish pass provides improved passage efficiency, reduced passage time and broadened passage flows over a low-head weir.

Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout (2017)
Journal Article
Dodd, J. R., Cowx, I. G., & Bolland, J. D. (2017). Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout. Journal of environmental management, 204(1), 318-326.

Man-made, physical barriers have disrupted longitudinal connectivity for migratory fish in many river systems throughout the world for centuries. These barriers are considered to be a key reason for the decline of many fish species in river systems.... Read More about Efficiency of a nature-like bypass channel for restoring longitudinal connectivity for a river-resident population of brown trout.