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Book Review: American Energy Cinema, ed. by Robert Lifset, Raechel Lutz, and Sarah Stanford-McIntyre (2023)
Digital Artefact
Hawksford White, S. (2023). Book Review: American Energy Cinema, ed. by Robert Lifset, Raechel Lutz, and Sarah Stanford-McIntyre. [Website Content]

Opening paragraph:
The essays in American Energy Cinema set out to show how popular film can be an enlightening primary source for historians who are interested in how Americans have thought about and interpreted the role of energy in their lives an... Read More about Book Review: American Energy Cinema, ed. by Robert Lifset, Raechel Lutz, and Sarah Stanford-McIntyre.

Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience (2023)
Journal Article
McDonagh, B., Brookes, E., Smith, K., Worthen, H., Coulthard, T., Hughes, G., Mottram, S., Skinner, A., & Chamberlain, J. (2023). Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience. Journal of Historical Geography, 82, 91-97.

The potential of place-based, historically-informed approaches to drive climate action has not yet been adequately interrogated. Recent scholarly work has focussed on climate communication and the role of arts and humanities-led storytelling in engag... Read More about Learning histories, participatory methods and creative engagement for climate resilience.