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Outputs (3)

Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable (2023)
Journal Article
Fernando, B., Giles, S., Jackson, C., Lawrence, A., Raji, M., Williams, R., Barclay, J., Brotherson, L., Childs, E., Houghton, J., Khatwa, A., Newton, A., Mills, K., Rockey, F., Rogers, S., Souch, C., & Dowey, N. (2023). Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable. Nature Geoscience, 16(8), 658-660.

Admission to doctoral study is a crucial step in the academic pipeline, but discriminatory procedures can disproportionately impact students from ethnic minority backgrounds. We show how these policies contribute to inequity in the geosciences and pr... Read More about Strategies for making geoscience PhD recruitment more equitable.

How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents? (2022)
Johnston, T. How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are hot, density-driven flows of gas, rock and ash generated during explosive volcanic eruptions or from the collapse of lava domes. PDCs are able to travel for tens of km, traversing topographic barriers hundreds... Read More about How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents?.

Simultaneous fall and flow during pyroclastic eruptions: A novel proximal hybrid facies (2022)
Journal Article
Dowey, N., & Williams, R. (2022). Simultaneous fall and flow during pyroclastic eruptions: A novel proximal hybrid facies. Geology, 50(10), 1187-1191.

The deposits of Plinian and subplinian eruptions provide critical insights into past volcanic events and inform numerical models that aim to mitigate against future hazards. However, pyroclastic deposits are often considered from either a fallout or... Read More about Simultaneous fall and flow during pyroclastic eruptions: A novel proximal hybrid facies.