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Outputs (5)

Anatomy of a volcanic eruption undersea (2023)
Journal Article
Williams, R., & Rowley, P. (2023). Anatomy of a volcanic eruption undersea. Science, 381(6662), 1046-1047.

In December 2021, an undersea volcano in the southern Pacific Ocean, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai (hereafter called the Hunga volcano) began erupting. In January 2022 the eruption reached a powerful climax, triggering atmospheric waves that traveled... Read More about Anatomy of a volcanic eruption undersea.

How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents? (2022)
Johnston, T. How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents?. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are hot, density-driven flows of gas, rock and ash generated during explosive volcanic eruptions or from the collapse of lava domes. PDCs are able to travel for tens of km, traversing topographic barriers hundreds... Read More about How does grain size distribution impact the mobility and deposition of analogue pyroclastic density currents?.

A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents (2020)
Journal Article
Smith, G., Rowley, P., Williams, R., Giordano, G., Trolese, M., Silleni, A., Parsons, D. R., & Capon, S. (2020). A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents. Nature communications, 11(1), Article 2873.

Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are a life-threatening volcanic hazard. Our understanding and hazard assessments of these flows rely on interpretations of their deposits. The occurrence of stratified layers, cross-stratification, and bedforms in... Read More about A bedform phase diagram for dense granular currents.

Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami (2019)
Journal Article
Williams, R., Rowley, P., & Garthwaite, M. C. (2019). Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami. Geology, 47(10), 973-976.

Volcanogenic tsunamis are one of the deadliest volcanic phenomena. Understanding their triggering processes, and mitigating their effect, remains a major challenge. On 22 December 2018, flank failure of the Anak Krakatau volcano in Indonesia generate... Read More about Reconstructing the Anak Krakatau flank collapse that caused the December 2018 Indonesian tsunami.

Investigation of variable aeration of monodisperse mixtures: implications for pyroclastic density currents (2018)
Journal Article
Smith, G. M., Williams, R., Rowley, P., & Parsons, D. R. (2018). Investigation of variable aeration of monodisperse mixtures: implications for pyroclastic density currents. Bulletin of volcanology, 80(8), Article 67.

The high mobility of dense pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) is commonly attributed to high gas pore pressures. However, the influence of spatial and temporal variations in pore pressure within PDCs has yet to be investigated. Theory suggests that... Read More about Investigation of variable aeration of monodisperse mixtures: implications for pyroclastic density currents.