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Ancillary hospital workers experience during COVID-19: systematic review and narrative synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Kearsley, S. L., Walker, L., Johnson, M. J., & Bravington, A. (2024). Ancillary hospital workers experience during COVID-19: systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, Article spcare-2024-004855.

Background: COVID-19 overwhelmed healthcare systems worldwide. Its impact on clinical staff is well documented, but little is known about the effects on ancillary staff (cleaners, porters and caterers). Aim: To identify the evidence of the impact of... Read More about Ancillary hospital workers experience during COVID-19: systematic review and narrative synthesis.

Group-based Tai Chi as therapy for alleviating experiences of social death in people with advanced, incurable disease: an ethnographic study (2021)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, A., Walker, L., Borgstrom, E., & Burke, S. M. (2022). Group-based Tai Chi as therapy for alleviating experiences of social death in people with advanced, incurable disease: an ethnographic study. Qualitative research in sport, exercise and health, 14(1), 84-100.

Advanced, incurable disease is a highly stressful and traumatic life event that can lead to losses of social identity, social connectedness, and losses associated with bodily disintegration. The combination of these losses makes it difficult to remai... Read More about Group-based Tai Chi as therapy for alleviating experiences of social death in people with advanced, incurable disease: an ethnographic study.

'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison (2020)
Journal Article
Wilson, M., Johnston, H., & Walker, L. (in press). 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison. Criminology & criminal Justice,

Using the concept of institutional thoughtlessness, this article examines a range of issues embedded within daily prison life which have a detrimental effect upon the lives of those bereaved during a prison sentence. Drawing on in-depth qualitative r... Read More about 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison.