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Taboo Or Not Taboo: (In)visibilities Of Death, Dying And Bereavement (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hård Af Segerstad, Y., Bell, J., Giaxoglou, K., Pitsillides, S., & Yeshua-Katz, D. Taboo Or Not Taboo: (In)visibilities Of Death, Dying And Bereavement. Presented at Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers., 2020

The notion that ‘death is a taboo’ pervades private, public and academic discourses around death, dying and bereavement in contemporary Western societies. The rise of digital media within the last decades further complicates the appreciation of the s... Read More about Taboo Or Not Taboo: (In)visibilities Of Death, Dying And Bereavement.

'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison (2020)
Journal Article
Wilson, M., Johnston, H., & Walker, L. (in press). 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison. Criminology & criminal Justice,

Using the concept of institutional thoughtlessness, this article examines a range of issues embedded within daily prison life which have a detrimental effect upon the lives of those bereaved during a prison sentence. Drawing on in-depth qualitative r... Read More about 'It was like an animal in pain': Institutional thoughtlessness and bereavement in prison.