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Outputs (2)

Multi-fidelity modelling of shark skin denticle flows: insights into drag generation mechanisms (2023)
Journal Article
Lloyd, C., Mittal, K., Dutta, S., Dorrell, R. M., Peakall, J., Keevil, G. M., & Burns, A. D. (2023). Multi-fidelity modelling of shark skin denticle flows: insights into drag generation mechanisms. Royal Society Open Science, 10(2), Article 220684.

We investigate the flow over smooth (non-ribletted) shark skin denticles in an open-channel flow using direct numerical simulation (DNS) and two Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) closures. Large peaks in pressure and viscous drag are observed at... Read More about Multi-fidelity modelling of shark skin denticle flows: insights into drag generation mechanisms.

The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures (2021)
Journal Article
Marshall, C. R., Dorrell, R. M., Dutta, S., Keevil, G. M., Peakall, J., & Tobias, S. M. (2021). The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures. Physics of Fluids, 33(10), Article 106601.

The Schmidt number, defined as the ratio of scalar to momentum diffusivity, varies by multiple orders of magnitude in real-world flows, with large differences in scalar diffusivity between temperature, solute, and sediment driven flows. This is espec... Read More about The effect of Schmidt number on gravity current flows: The formation of large-scale three-dimensional structures.